"It can't happen Moon."
"Why not?"
The difficult and inevitably awkward conversation had to happen eventually. Toffee had only managed to fend it off for a week, before he decided the matter needed to be addressed. They couldn't move on from it, until they discussed it properly. Evidently, that was Toffee's plan. Moving on and pushing back any sort of grander feelings he had for her. After kissing Moon, he realized that he'd made a foolish mistake and there was no way they could continue on with a normal relationship. Moon, however, was not thinking as logically as he was. She wanted to be with him. She didn't care about the hundreds of consequences, no matter how many times Toffee went over them with her.
"There are countless reasons." Toffee sighed. They'd been running around in circles figuratively and literally for about a half an hour now. "Firstly, you're too young for me."
"It's like two years at most! Why does everyone act like it's so much more?" Moon groaned, in frustration.
"With my species lifespan, it might as well be forty." he reasoned.
"So, you'll die a lot slower." she concluded.
"That's not all there is too it, Moon." Toffee sighed. "Remember, back in our early studies, you wanted to read all the earth books in the royal library, and you grew fond of a fairytale called, Beauty and the Beast?"
She nodded quietly, knowing slightly where he was going. Moon had always thought there were no fairytales in the library. However, the book in question was found in a dark abandoned corner, after she and Toffee scoped the place for all the earth books. She liked it because she related to the protagonist who was given a life of luxury, but found little solace in it. But, Toffee was clearly referring to the main premise of the novel. He was not under some curse that could ever be lifted, and their love would bring nothing but hardship. There was no happily ever after for a pair like them.
"Well, there's no prince underneath here. Just a monstrous beast."
"That doesn't change a thing, either." Moon dismissed. "Whether you're a Mewman or a monster, I'll still like you regardless."
"Just because you can overlook it, doesn't mean society will. Even if they grow to truly accept me, there is no way they'd ever let a monster be king of Mewni. The Butterfly's would never produce another heir and the monarchy would crumble."
"You're thinking too far ahead, Toffee." Moon reckoned, with a small smile. Although, he was right about her not thinking in the long term. In royalty, it was not common or proper for a lady to sift through men. Once she picked a suitor, Mewni would expect her to stick with that man through marriage.
"It is necessary. These feelings, if we do not suppress them now, will grow."
"That's kind of the idea of a relationship. It's a little late for suppression, don't you think?"
"The consequences are too grand to move forward..." Toffee declared, with a tone of finality. Moon wasn't done though. She would never be done with him, until he really listened to her.
"But, I love you." she murmured, suddenly quiet and demure. Why didn't he understand that, or factor it into any of this argument? Toffee hadn't said it, but based on everything, he felt similarly. So, why did they have to suppress these feelings and move on? Just because it was not the way it was done, because people would revolt at such an obscure relationship? That was bullshit. "Does that really mean absolutely nothing?"
"It means everything that you feel so greatly for me. No one else has." he replied, with a small smile. Toffee finally stopped to look her in the eye. He wanted to tell her how much he didn't want to do this, he wanted to be honest for once.

Monster Love |~Moon and Toffee~|
FanfictionMoon Butterfly was more like her daughter then she'd ever dare to admit. She was once an out-of-control, rebel princess. A ball of lightning in a hot pink dress. Then, when a monster named Toffee was assigned to reign her into queendom and responsib...