Chapter 7- Song Day Date

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By the time Moon turned seventeen, she was seen as a more model figure for queen. To the public's eye she was 'Perfect Princess Moon', a reformed rebel who had transformed into a lovely young girl. She was as intelligent and well-mannered, as Toffee had made her up to be. However, Moon was still not as regal as she appeared. Only the princess's most intimate associates knew of her pair of dimensional scissors. By nightfall, Moon was able to sneak away. She could race dragon-cycles with Heckapoo across the plains of her dimension, or party with her friends at the Bounce Lounge. Just as long as she was back by morning and her parents remained oblivious, Moon could live how she wanted to. It was not an ideal situation, but she seemed content with how things were going for the moment. She was still the princess everyone expected her to be and got to live the life of adventure she'd always wanted for herself.

However, there was one major downside to this new life of escapades and danger that she'd not been expecting. Her best friend was hardly in it...


"Call Toffee."

Moon paced in front of her mirror a little, before stopping to tap her foot, impatiently. Where was he? After knowing Toffee for two years now, she knew he was never late. If he wasn't there by now, he was blowing her off again. It was undoubtedly more paperwork that could not be pushed aside, even when called upon by the crown princess. Toffee's labor with Moon was finally being acknowledged, as she was re-introduced to the kingdom as a fine lady. The king and queen were using him as a good example of a beneficial relationship between Mewmans and Monsters, which Toffee was fine with. It made the kingdom see more of the non-threating side to Monsters and would ultimately lead in his main goal of fairness and equality for all. He was so popular and celebrated that he'd even been offered to run a new reform school for other wayward princesses such as Moon. Thankfully, she was able to convince him to turn it down. Not only would he be way too busy, but she'd never get to see him again, without getting herself thrown into what sounded like a glorified version of jail. In return for his loyalty, her parents gave him an even higher position in their court and more responsibility over Mewni. Unfortunately, that meant he was busier than ever.

Toffee appeared in the mirror about three anxious dial tones later. His amber eyes were drooped, and his neat hair was a little scruffy. He would've only looked this disheveled in front of Moon. He knew better than to ignore her calls.

"Moon, I told you yesterday. I'm swamped with work."

"I know. My mother put you in charge of the 'Avarius Swamp Restoration Project', but I haven't seen you in forever and you promised we'd hangout today." Moon pouted.

"I'm sorry, Moon. I'll make it up to you." Toffee sighed. Moon frowned, knowing how carefully he'd chosen his words. He could easily worm out of it because it was technically not a promise. It was a trick that might've worked one her when she was younger, and his vague word was all she needed. But, she was older and wiser now. Toffee could see it in her expression this would no longer work as a sufficient excuse. "When's the next royal function? I'm more likely to be able to make it to one of those."

"Well, today is my Song Day. But, if you're not free now, I doubt you'll be free by tonight."

"Isn't Song Day supposed to be sometime when you're fourteen?"

"Yeah, they kept pushing back the date because the stupid songstrel couldn't find anything to rhyme 'Moon' with other then 'loon'." she replied, coldly. Toffee cracked a small smile and nearly laughed. "It's going to be awful. Please come save me, Toffee! I'm begging you."

"I'm sorry—"

"Ugh, fine! Some best friend you are..." Moon fumed, before he even got the chance to apologize again. She hung up the mirror, not wanting to hear any more of his excuses. When Heckapoo first gave her a pair of dimensional scissors, Moon thought Toffee would be included in this new life adventure. She thought they'd be traveling different dimensions every week, together. However, it felt like she saw even less of him than before. It was great that he was gaining such positive recognition for his achievements, but she didn't want him completely abandoning her for his job.

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