"She's just heinous!"
Moon was currently storming her room in an angry huff, complaining to the only person that understood how she was feeling and would actually listen. Her parents would simply tell her she was being silly, or unreasonable, and River wasn't exactly good at throwing shade. He was a sweet, docile boy. However, Toffee was different from all of them. He didn't say it out loud, but she knew he felt the same way about her cousin that she did.
The ball had been several days ago, but Azkadellia Butterfly had come to stay at the castle. The king and queen, unfortunately, didn't see through her charming façade and invited her to stay for a while. They had probably heard the news, considering it was in a buzz around the entire kingdom, but hadn't officially commented on it. Moon's parents either believed that there was no way she could beat their daughter, or that it might be more practical to have another option available for the kingdom. The latter was sadly the more likely option considering, despite Moon's progress, she still wasn't on par with Azkadellia. Manners and grace were something she came prepackaged with, while Moon was still learning to control herself. They were tested on many aspects of queenship, since Azkadellia's arrival, and Moon barely managed to secure the wins that she had. The score was currently tied, but it wouldn't stay that way for long.
"You'll get the better of her, Moon. I am sure of it." Toffee replied, after Moon finished yelling and collapsed back into her seat.
"I can't deal with her any longer. She's a proper nightmare." Moon grumbled, sinking her face into the table. She'd never been so tired. "I just wish there was a test to end it all."
"If there really were a showdown-type test, are you certain you would be able to beat her?"
"Are you siding with her now?"
"Certainly not. That fascist little girl will be queen over my dead body." he answered, with a note of sharp grit in his smooth voice. "I'm just saying you may not be ready for an all-or-nothing battle. Azkadellia's greatest strength is her power of manipulation, that she passes off as manners—"
"You got that right." she grumbled. "How do I beat a total kiss ass—"
"Manners are only one part of being queen. The main prospect will always be magical power, which will be your best chance to beat her."
"Maybe not." Moon sighed. Toffee had thankfully not seen Azkadellia's brief ownership of the precious Butterfly heirloom. She knew that if he had, he might really reconsider staying with her. "She only had the wand for a split second, but she was so much better than me."
"Which is why I've been thinking of abandoning your lessons with me." Toffee added, suddenly. Moon froze at the unexpecting announcement. He couldn't be serious about abandoning her at a time so crucial. "Well, I say thinking, but I've already discussed it with the king and queen. It's been decided that starting Monday, you'll be back to training exclusively with Glossaryck and I'll be leaving."
"But, Toffee—"
"Moon, please don't argue with me. You've got to do this." he added, sharply. Toffee got up to leave and Moon panicked. She did not realize how immediately he meant to go and how long it would be. What if she never saw him again. For some reason, the thought was so unbearable. Moon was not ready, and she clung onto one of his sleeves in a childish desperation not to let him leave.
"I still need you, though..." Moon mumbled.
"I'm sorry, but I've got to go." Toffee replied, simply removing her grasp of his sleeve like he was picking off a fly. He didn't look back, but not because he didn't want too. There was a horrible urge inside him that yelled at him to look back at her and at least say goodbye properly. However, he knew she'd toss out puppy dog eyes, trick him into staying somehow. It wouldn't take much effort. If he wanted what was best for both of them, he'd keep his gaze straight and leave. Toffee just silently prayed she understood.

Monster Love |~Moon and Toffee~|
FanfictionMoon Butterfly was more like her daughter then she'd ever dare to admit. She was once an out-of-control, rebel princess. A ball of lightning in a hot pink dress. Then, when a monster named Toffee was assigned to reign her into queendom and responsib...