The Pack- The Ski Trip

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Rob's P.O.V.

It was the first day of the Pack ski trip and we were utterly exhausted, all of us having flown in less than a few hours ago, Lachlan being last of course. We were sharing a room and he had crashed less than 10 minutes after he arrived. Everyone else was downstairs editing videos or something, I didn't know. Well not until later at least.

Both mine and Lachlan's suitcases were piled up beside the door, mine on the bottom but I needed my computer charger so I attempted to get out. Attempted is the best word for what I did next.

Lachlan's suitcase crashed to the floor and knocked me backwards, hitting my head into the cupboard. Lachlan sat bolt up right, his eyes wide at the sudden noise and his hands and arms shaking.

I groaned, my head throbbing from the impact of the cupboard. I could hear footsteps rushing up the stairs to our room and soon enough the rest of the Pack were in our room.

Someone pulled me onto the bed behind me and ran their hand through my hair, my head thudding. My vision was spotty, black swimming in front of me. Someone lifted me up and placed me on the bed just as my vision cleared and I could see the others, including Jerome, who was lifting me.

"You okay Rob?" I nodded my head slowly, wincing as a sharp pain ran through my body. Jerome ran his hand through my hair slowly, carefully avoiding the spot where I had hit my head, a bruise probably having already formed.

Across the room Lachlan had settled back into something close to sleep, his chest moving slowly. Preston was leaning against the wall behind Lachlan, almost sitting on the pillow where Lachlan's head was resting and running his hand gently through the younger boys' hair.

Vikk and Mitch were lying on the ground between the two beds, Vikk leaning up against Mitch's shoulders. I groaned as more waves of pain shocked my body and my hands started the shake.

I heard whispering and some movement, and when I opened my eyes again Mitch was gone, leaving Vikk to lean against the bed. Jerome squeezed my hand gently, his chest up against my back and other arm wrapped around my chest, his hand resting at my hip.

A cold cloth was pressed against my forehead and I whimpered slightly, the coolness surprising me and alleviating the pain almost immediately. It was Mitch holding the cloth and as soon as he let it go I relaxed.

My eyes started to drop and Jerome's arm tightened around my chest, holding my body still in case I rolled over and knocked the cloth off. My breathing became slower and eyes closed, I dropped off.

Jerome's P.O.V.

The next morning when we woke up, there were 4 of us in the room. Mitch and Vikk must have left at some point, heading back to their own beds once we had all dropped off.

Rob and Lachlan were the first to go, Lachlan being exhausted and Rob sore but I wasn't surprised. Rob had slammed his head pretty hard into the cupboard and his head had come up with a pretty wicked bruise which would probably be sore for at least a few days.

Preston was awake on the bed opposite, Lachlan with his head buried in his chest. He smiled at me, nodding down at Rob in front of me. His eyes were opening slightly, his head pushing further into my chest as the light hit his eyes.

Once again I ran my hand through his hair and then reached over to turn his phone on. The clock read 8:49, not late but not exactly early either. As Rob slowly adjusted to the light his head came out of my chest and he stretched, his arms hitting me slightly.

I pulled him into a sitting position as I sat up, his head turning to Preston and Lachlan once he was up. Preston smiled at him, sitting up as well and carefully climbing over Lachlan without disturbing him.

Rob stood up slowly, stumbling a bit as he adjusted to balancing again. I stood with him, glancing out of the window, whose curtains we hadn't drawn the night before and light was now streaming through. The only reason Lachlan wasn't awake was because the light hadn't hit his face but if the curtains remained open it would, so I carefully drew them, sneaking out of the room following Preston and Rob.

Mitch and Vikk were already awake and were having a breakfast of cereal in the kitchen downstairs, and were chatting happily when we walked in. As soon as they saw Rob was up and awake Mitch cheered through a mouthful of cereal.

"You're all good Rob?" Rob nodded slightly, his head apparently still very sore.

Glancing around at the others I made a decision and announced it to the others.

"Do you guys want to skip out on skiing today? I don't think Lachlan or Rob are up to it and we're all exhausted still." Vikk and Preston nodded, closely followed by Mitch. Rob didn't appear to have an opinion but the bruise on his head said enough.

We chatted downstairs until 10, eating our fill of breakfast and moving to the living room after everyone had eaten. Rob dropped off on Mitch, both of whom where sitting on one of the couches after about half an hour and Vikk and Preston uploaded pre-recorded videos for everyone on their computers.

Around 11 I went back upstairs and woke Lachlan, who had slept through all off our nonsense, including Preston knocking over half of the furniture in the kitchen. It was funny but Preston did get several death glares from both Vikk and Mitch.

I lay down on the bed beside Lachlan and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. He stirred and turned to face me, pushing his head into my chest. I smiled, running my hand through his hair.

"Morning Lachy, how are you?" He mumbled something and nuzzled his face into my shirt, making me laugh.

"Come on buddy, you'll never sleep tonight if you don't get up." I pulled him into a sitting position and leant against the wall, holding him close as he opened his eyes for the first time that morning. He smiled up at me and I lifted him up.

He jumped when I picked him up and clung to my shirt, his legs dangling in the air. I carried him downstairs and placed him on the couch, noticing that Mitch had dropped off too (on top of Rob) and Vikk was on the very edge of sleep, Preston supporting his neck.

Lachlan's head was dropping again and I sighed.

You know what, screw sleeping schedules, we were all exhausted and we weren't going to get back on the time zone we were on.

Preston smiled tiredly up at me and lay down beside Vikk, his eyes closing and head dropping. Lachlan blinked at me drowsily up at me as I walked closer and I lay down beside him.

He smiled. That was one way to start the ski trip.

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