You Found Me - Chapter Three.

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I've gotten so many uploading requests, and I'm so happy! So sorry guys, I rarely have time to do more than a chapter a day, but I'm so glad you're liking it. This is only the first part of Niall & Allie seeing each other, the next comes in the next chapter.

xo, Nat.

"Which one? The brown or the orange?" Lucy held up two identical rompers, one brown and one orange for me to inspect.

I made a face. "Brown. The orange is too..." We both shuddered at the same time.

"Yeah." Lucy wrinkled her eyebrows. "Do remind me, was I drunk when I bought this?"

"Not that I know of. But then again, you could write a book on things I don't know," I replied, shrugging. "Goodwill is always looking for donations." I winked.

Lucy laughed and stared forlornly at the romper, as if it was an old friend. "Poor romper. It's too good to donate. I'll give it to Madison."

I snickered. Lucy's sixteen-year-old neighbour Madison Julliard had about as much style taste as a frog, to be polite. Even I knew better than that, and you'd usually see me walking around in an oversized t-shirt, Toms and shorts, which drove the frivilous Lucy insane. "Yes, because that's much better than giving it to Goodwill."

"Alison Hunter!" Lucy clapped her hand over her mouth and fell backwards onto her bed, as if in a faint. I rolled my eyes and looked at my outfit in Lucy's bedroom mirror. Lucy had bought me a pair of Hollister shorts, after complaining that my trusty brandless-shorts-from-Buffalo-Exchange were too "tacky". With it, I'd paired a flowing seafoam green shirt that matched my eyes, a brown braided belt, and brown Vans. I had reasoned with Lucy, telling her that this was the best she was going to get, and, reluctatly, she admitted that my outfit was rather flattering. I had ignored the compliment; I didn't take well to people telling me good things about myself. It just didn' I always felt like I didn't deserve compliments.

After her drama-attack was over, Lucy pulled on her brown romper, her "I HEART 1D" bracelets, and her eighty-dollar brown gladiator sandels and stood in front of the mirror.

"You're going to freeze," I said flatly as I grabbed my jacket from the coathanger on her door.

"I am not," she argued. She grabbed her purse off of her counter and squealed. "One freaking Direction. I can't believe it, Allie. You're, like, an angel."

"I think I've heard this before." I winked and slipped out into the starry night.

Seagulls chirped above us as we made our way to Lucy's car. The sun was just sinking below the horizon, and the sky was filled with a dozen brilliant colours. Soon, however, the shimmering stars engulfed the burning sun, and left in its wake were those same colours, and, though diluted, it was like no other sunset on any other place in the world. It's the little things, the things like this, that made me glad I came to California. But, then again, when I remember the reason I came, the happiness and appreciation for the US dissapate faster than flickering candlelight.

Lucy cranked up the radio volume and, as we drove out of city limits, she sang along loudly and obnixiously. I laughed every time she missed a note, or every time she purposely got a lyric wrong, until I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to throw up. Somehow, Lucy kept her cool and never once strayed from the dead center of the traffic lane.

I wonder how she does it.

By the time we got to Staples Center, it was literally impossible to find a decent parking space. The string of curses that Lucy was screaming to each person who cut her off eventually got so long that I told her to switch seats with me.

"Friends don't let friends drive drunk," I told her firmly.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not drunk, you idiot."

"Yeah, but when the cops pull you over, I won't be the one explaining to them that this is the way you normally act," I shot back, pulling up into the front. Apparently, one lady was positive that her parking spot wasn't good enough and pulled out, sending a grin sprawling across my face.

"See? I'm a lucky charm." I laughed.

Lucy ignored me. "ROCKSTAR PARKING." The second I pulled into the parking spot, she slipped out and slammed the door. "One. Freaking. Direction. Holy shit." She bit her lip. "Am I too underdressed?"

"Yes." I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Now she listens to what I say?

Lucy sighed. "Let's just go. I'm already cold."

- - - - - - - - - - 

When I say the arena was packed, I don't mean that it was full.

I mean that every seat was taken, with most people piling on top of each other to get a better look. There were about a thousand more, who hadn't succeeded in getting tickets, holding up signs labeled "HARRY, MARRY ME""LIAM, YOU'VE GOT THAT ONE THING" and trying to push past security to get a glimpse of their five favorite boys.

So, to say that it was packed would be an extreme understatement.

"I have to pee," I whispered to Lucy, the second we got to our seats.

Lucy sighed in exasperation. "Dammit Allie. Hurry."

I made a face at her and took off towards the bathroom. It was far away, up near where the backstage entrance was. Precisely at the time I opened the bathroom door, about three hundred girls ran by screaming.

"Stay back," a gruff voice said, pushing a few girls out of the way.

And that's when I saw him.

He was biting his cherry-blossom-pink lip and his blue eyes were washed out in the light of the center. Someone next to him said something funny and he thre his head back and laughed. Then, for about a millisecond, he caught my eye.

And then he was gone.

The three hundred girls squealed and followed after the five boys who were being hustled backstage. None of them seemed to notice the object still shining with light that sat fallen on the floor. Curious, I closed the bathroom door and walked over to pick it up. It was a cell phone. I hestitated. This was someone's personal property.

Well, might as well see who it belongs to.

I tapped the screen and the picture on the screen lit up with the smiling faces of five boys. No surprise there; it could have been any of the hundreds of girls' phones. I scrolled down to "Contact Information" and gasped at the name which was placed down under "Settings."

This cell phone belonged to Harry Styles.

Sorry, this chapter is short. But I had something to chapter will be much, much longer. (:

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