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I have been monitoring this book's comments and votes still, and I have found these kinds of comments on some chapters(I am not saying any names and I have taken these comments down for everyone's convenience):

I have been monitoring this book's comments and votes still, and I have found these kinds of comments on some chapters(I am not saying any names and I have taken these comments down for everyone's convenience):

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I am very disappointed that people would do these kinds of things to each other about my book

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I am very disappointed that people would do these kinds of things to each other about my book. No one should be harassing and/or fighting about points of views. I take no sides on these sorts of things, and I won't in the future. Please know this is a serious matter, and I may not be able to catch it all. If you do see something like this, please contact me right away to let me know so I can see them. No one is in trouble, and I'm just hear to speak for myself.

Everyone has their own views about this book. Don't criticize people because of their opinion, and I understand some topics are touchy in this book. If you do have a problem, please message me so I can know. I'll try to see what I can do. I hope you all see this and please understand my side. Thank you for your time. <3

No One Gets To Her - Yandere M.YG.Where stories live. Discover now