The Wedding

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A few days later, without much of an announcement, we were suddenly taken away from our jobs and told to put on some clean clothes. A guard stayed with me all the time and told me to pick up my box with personal stuff. Another guard took tape, taped it up and walked me out then.

''Can't I say goodbye to everybody?'' I asked as I knew I was not going to come back here. I was getting married today, and I was in no way ready.

''They are not your family, the only family you have is your husband and the nation.''

''Aren't we all part of it though, so these girls too?'' I asked.

''Don't question me.'' The guard warned me and I saw Bade walking my way with two guards, one of them carrying his taped-up box. I hoped that nothing would happen to it, knew that it had the medication in it.

Walking past Jennafin's office, she was standing in the doorway, glaring at us as we walked past.

We were walking towards the exit door of the dorm and I pinched his hand. Even though I knew he was still mad with me, it was exciting for the both of us that we were making our way outside for the first time in years.

The doors opened, and I was blinded by the sun for a second. There was shadow then as we were walking near a high concrete residential tower.

Men in blue overalls were passing us everywhere, probably on the way back from their jobs. Their boots sounded loud on the concrete streets and some of them smiled at us.

Guards were standing around the streets and when I looked up, I saw a large poster of the silhouette of a woman. That had to be the mother.

Looking aside I saw Bade smile a tiny bit now, and even though I knew we were far from good, we were on our way to the wedding, and even though I had no idea what to expect from that, I knew that I had been thinking about this day since I was a little girl.

We were let into a building near a large square. We were brought into a room with a table and a large window that looked over the square. Both of us stood by the window as the guards left us alone.

In awe we looked over the square. It was the first time we ever saw it. It was a large square, water flowing down from a fountain. The square had roads going to the east and the west side which were filled with the men walking home from their factory jobs. The buildings on the side were large, concrete and glass and I wondered if this was where the shots were called.

''The wedding contract is on the table.'' One of the guards said, bringing in two glasses of water and we sat down. I looked at the front, my name, my date of birth, my number, it was all here and I knew that I was signing for my own future now.

Slowly flipping the page, I looked at all of the things I promised. All of the things I promised the Nation, all of the things I promised Bade.

I heard his pen on the paper and looking up I saw he already signed it and got up again, walking towards the window.

''You know you can read it, but you don't have a choice anyway.'' He told me, turning around.

''I know, I know.'' I said, my hand shaking a bit. I knew that I had no choice, but that did not mean I was any less nervous about it. He turned back towards the window and I looked at all the promises I had to make.

I promised to forever serve the nation. I promised to have many children. I promised to give away those children to the Nation. I promised to serve loyally to the mother. I promised to never doubt my Nation.

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