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Kevin-"I was coming when I heard you scream. I recognized your gentle high pitch scream throw the whole Asylum. I was running towards the noise . I was so worried that maybe some thing bad might've happened to you . It Broke me to even think that you could've gotten the slightest scrape or bruise. When I finally arrived to the office I saw you , cradled in the arms of Josh. I see the way you look at him. Do you love him?"

I then shouted-"WHAT?? I don't even know him."

He then sat back in the chair and began playing with his ball again and said-"Good."

I then said in confusion-"Good?"

He then got up and began walking towards the door and said-"Good."

As he was about to exit I shouted-"Why do you care? It's not like you ever did ."

He stopped in his tracks and clenched tightly on the ball.

His body tenses up.

I could've tell that I've angered him.

He turned around and slammed the door shut and said-"You think I wanted this shit to happen? You think I wanted you to go throw this."

I then nodded my head and said-"Yes , Yes I do think that."

He then said-"Well  I didn't . I never wanted to be closeted like this. I want to be with you and hold hands with you and kiss you in public with out me being scorned are looked down upon. How do you do it? How do you strut throw the halls so confident and bold , not giving a shit what people thinks? You don't know what's it's like go throw such hatred."

I then stood up in anger and took off my shirt and pointed to my carving and said-"Confident? Bold? That's what you call it. I AM BROKEN KEVIN. A lost cause , a mistake or as you guys call it a
Faggot. You guys brought me to the point where I did this to myself. You guys dragged me so low in the dirt that there's no way of me getting back up. This is not confidence nor being bold. This is insecurities , this is hurt and pain and misery , God soooo much misery. How  could you stand there in front of me  and tell me I don't know what it is to go throw so much hatred ?How could you talk to me about being scorned or looked down upon? How do you go throw life knowing that you and your friend could've have been the reason for some ones death. How?TELL ME HOW?"

I got so emotional I didn't even realize that I was in tears.

I felt my emotions take over me.

I watched him as he walked toward me.

He hugged me and said-"I am so sorry . Soooo very sorry for what I've done to you . I was just following Will. I know I should've stood up for you that day and defend you against those assholes , and I'm so sorry that I didn't."

He then pulled back and looked at the carving.

As he looked at it a tear began to run down his cheek.

He held me once more and said-"I'm going to be better I promise. Please forgive me. Please."

I then said-"You hurt me so much , you brought me lower than my farther ever did. You made me feel like I was the dirtiest filthiest thing on earth. You hurt me way worst than Will could've have ever did . But some how I forgive you. I really really don't want to , but I do."

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