[ Fake Topaz ]

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Fake Topaz:

Fake Topaz:

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◆ First

▹When you're done with your graphics, merge layers.

▹When you're done with your graphics, merge layers

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◆ Second

▹Please copy your first layer. Just in case you find that the face is a bit weird, you can erase it. (i hope this make sense)

 (i hope this make sense)

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◆ Third

▹Click on the filter, sharpen and sharpen edges.

▹Click on the filter, sharpen and sharpen edges

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▹once you're done with the sharpen, go to the filter again, blur and gaussian blur.

▹once you're done with the sharpen, go to the filter again, blur and gaussian blur

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▹try not to overdo it. it will blurry. 

▹Like I said, if you find some part too weird, just erase it.

And you're done.


shoutout to eunicornism for requesting. 

Thanks for requesting!

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