New guy

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I'm rewriting this because it's absolute trash:) feel free to request anything loves !

"Hey guys, did you accidentally put my bra away with yours?" Y/N asked as she looked up from under her bed. "Not me, it wouldn't even fit if I stuffed it with paper" Zuri replied back.

"Me either" Y/N sighed as she turned to Emma. "I haven't even unpacked my things yet" Turning her attention to Lou in hopes it was her. "Sorry Y/N i don't have it"

"Although Jorge and Xander did come here looking for you earlier, they said you told them to look for your bracelet" Lou added. Y/N thought for a second before gasping and running out.


"I know I shouldn't have put temporary hair dye in your shampoo but did you really have to steal bra?" The short 13 year old girl asked crossing her arms.

"We didn't take your thingy, did you ask the other girls if they took it?" Jorge asked the girl. "I asked and you know what they said? Xander and you were snooping through my things"

"Whatt? I would never!" Xander said looking away. "Do you mean this? It was under Xander's pillow" A new camper who Y/N had never seen was holding a black bra in the air.

"Out of everything you took this?" The H/C haired girl groaned taking her belonging from the guys hand. "We were totally not going to hang it up like a flag" Jorge threw his hands up

"Next time I'll make sure your sure your hair stays pink" She muttered under her breath as she stuffed her bra into her bag. "I was against it all! I told them it was a bad idea" Ravi defended himself.

"Sorry about this, I know it's not the proper first impression"Y/N sighed turning her attention to the boy in front of her. "It's fine, I'm Griff Jones" He introduced himself sticking his hand out. "Y/N Taylor, pleasure to meet you" She grinned as she shook hands with him.

"If you ever need something you can ask me, the CIT and Xander are the most...proper people to ask"

"I'll keep that in mind" From the back the boys gave each other a look. "If you want I could show you around, I have nothing better to do right now" Y/N offered as Griff nodded. "I'd like that"

"Great let's go! Bye guys" She waved to the boys behind them. "Bye?" Xander replied more as a question as he watched Y/N drag Griff out the cabin by the hand.

"Is it me or did you guys feel a weird vibe?" Xander asked his two bunk mates. "There was definitely something spicy going on, or it could just be my stomach" Ravi and Xander both have the younger boy a look.

Edited: 7/11/2020
Words: 483

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