Chapter Three

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WARNING: So there's a little bit of abuse in this chapter so I'm going to put a "~" before and after the paragraph. 

I pull back from the kiss and look at Thomas, specifically his eyes, his big kind brown eyes. Thomas gently places a hand on my cheek caressing my cheek gently with his thumb. "You're so beautiful," he almost whispers softly. I want to smile and kiss him again, but I'm leading him on, he's just going to get hurt. I Smile and take his wrist removing it slowly from my face, blushing. "Thank you, Thomas, for dinner and walking with me."

"Thank you, having you with me is pure bliss, just like when we were kids, and I'd like to walk you home again."

I nod and take his arm leaving his big beautiful house on his arm. As we walk I know the question that's on his mind, "may I court you?" but I try everything possible to avoid that by talking about everything else. I stop at my house. "Thank you again, Thomas, for the lovely evening, I wish I could stay longer."

"Thank you, and visit me anytime you'd like, I'd love to be in your company."

I smile and he's about to say something but I quickly say goodnight to him and walk inside. I don't see my husband in the living room. I walk into the bedroom and there he is, laying on the bed, not even under the blankets. His whole body takes up the entire space. I really wish we had separate beds. I try to move him over without waking him, knowing that he'd be very angry if I did. I successfully move him and I get undressed and get in bed.


I wake up to my husband yelling, sitting with his back to me on the other side of the bed. I sit up slightly and he looks over at me angrily at my slight movement. I lay back down but he gets up and pulls me out of the bed by my wrist causing me to fall to the hard cold floor as he yells nonsense at me. I just stay silent waiting for him to finish. He takes his empty beer bottle and slams it on my forearm. The bottle shatters into glass shards scattered on the floor. I bite my lip and hold my forearm as Will starts to calm down and get back in bed. I lay there for a while until getting back up on my feet. I accidentally step on the smaller pieces of glass but I wipe them off my feet and get back in bed.


I wake up and remember not to step on the glass as I walk over to my clothes and get ready for the day. The place where I had gotten hit on the arm is now a big purple bruise. I have to wear shorter sleeves for work though, so I'll just say that I bumped into a wall or something. As I walk to the bakery I realize my feet are getting more and sorer because of that damn glass I stepped on. I shrug it off and arrive at work putting my apron on and greeting Greg.

Greg is quick to notice my bruise. "How did that happen?" He asked pointing to my arm. "I fell down on it."

"Really?" He raises a brow in disbelief.


I get to work ignoring Greg. He's a good friend but I don't want him worrying about me when there's nothing he can do. Soon Thomas walks in. "My favorite customer," I say smiling. "It's me."

He confidently strides over to the counter that I'm standing behind. He opens his mouth to say something but I watch his expression change from joyful to concerned. "(y/n), how'd you bruise your arm like that?"

"I tripped and fell and there was a small stool that my arm hit as I fell." I lied.

He seems a little less concerned now. He asks for a blueberry muffin. Like yesterday I go to the back and get Thomas a muffin and he pays me.

"Would you like to meet up again after your work day?"

I nod. "How bout your place at six?"

Thomas smiles, "Sounds great, we'll have tea and dinner."

I say goodbye to him and he leaves. "Did you tell him about your husband?" Greg asks.


"Are you sure? Because the way he looks at you-"

"Greg, that's really none of your business anyway.

~tiny time skip~

After work lying to husband, Will, about going to visit Eliza for tea again I leave the house and walk down to Thomas's house. It's like a palace compared to mine. I knock on the door and the servant that I recognize from yesterday answers. "Hello miss," he says smiling. She asks for my coat and I give it to her and she hangs it on the hanger and then leads me to Jefferson's office.

In his office, I notice a serious-looking dark-skinned man with short hair next to him. I suddenly recognize him from the wedding, James is his name.

"Mr. Jefferson, your visitor," the servant says.

"Thank you, Louise," Thomas says. The servant nods and walks off. Before Thomas says hello James greets me. "Ah, (y/n), I haven't seen you since the wedding."

"Ha, yeah, how are you?"

"I'm good." He says smiling politely.

"You both know each other?" Thomas asks.

"Yes, I've known her husband for a while, in fact, how is he?"

I avoid Thomas's glare but I can feel it. "He's good," I force out.

"Good, I should be going now, goodbye."

Thomas says bye to James as he walks out. I look down at my shoes. There's just silence. "You didn't tell me about your husband," Thomas hisses. "I'm sorry."

I look up at Thomas. All I can see in his eyes now is pain. Pain that I caused. "You lied to me."

"It just never really crossed my mind."

"Really? not even after we kissed?"

I choke back tears. "Thomas-"

"Thanks for stopping by, you can leave now."

I don't say anything. I just walk out with tears in my eyes and walk home. I realize halfway through the walk I left my coat but I decided to just keep walking home. I return home to Will who's standing close by the door glaring at me. I stand paralyzed in fear in front of him.

"Where have you been?" He asks gritting his teeth.

"With Eliza."

"I visited Eliza, she said you weren't there."

"I got lost so I decided to just walk in the park."

"Did you get lost yesterday too because you weren't there yesterday either."

I stay silent knowing what I'm in for. 

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