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Have you heard the stories and the songs

Of the crossroad demons?

They walk upon human's sacred land

That we let them win


I know the answer

Of course you know

You've proved the story true

You made a deal with our foe


They didn't force it, you came to them

Summoned them from hell

They didn't ask for you to raise them up

But knew you would, they could tell


You had a deal you planned to propose

But the demon knew that you were weak

So while you offered what you could earn

The demon had something else that they seeked


"Only your soul will do"

The demon said

"I will give you what is desired

But I'll get your soul once you are dead"


You accepted

You were insane

Do you regret what you did

While you were in pain?


I do not blame you

Not one bit

I made that deal too

Now we're both going to the pit


The stories done

You know the tale

I hope we can break the deal

But I have a feeling we will fail


Crossroad demon

I am here

Please take me now

Before I shed a single tear

A Book of Thoughtful PoetryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum