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Ethan's POV
As I woke up with my healed arm, I got a text from Cam "Dad and I went back to Jersey to get our stuff that was still there we will be back in a few days" Ok but why do I smell food being cooked and hear a vacuum cleaner? I went downstairs to check it out and I saw
"GRAYSON you scared the hell out of me" I said

"Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, I made breakfast" He said

"Thanks you should really take a break let's have fun outside, put on some shorts" I said

"But I'm wearing pants, do I have to?" He said

"Yeah it will be Fun" I said

1 minute later

As I wet the grass to make mud in our back yard Grayson came out and ahhhhh I couldn't handle it but I had to keep it in

"DONE" I said

"What are we doing " He said

"I'll show you"
I slid down the mud like I used to in Jersey and I said

"Your turn I PROMISE its fun" I said

He sled down the mud getting covered in it with a smile on his face I was happy he was happy we had a great time
After that we decided to go to the mall and I saw
"EVELYN what are you doing here? " I said

"Oh I just felt like I needed to get new clothes so I came here, oh sorry hi Grayson" She said

"Hi Evelyn" He said with a smile

We started to shop together we went back to her house and it was cool she gave us cookies and stuff we went back home to go to sleep

The next day?

Ethan's POV
I woke up and I got a text...... From Cam, it said "Dad and I went back to Jersey to get our stuff that was still there we will be back in a few days" I replied "I know" She replied "Where you awake when we left? " I replied
"... No"

I smelled food being cooked and I heard a vacuum cleaner AGAIN and it was Grayson again uh...  "Cleaning again?" I said
"Again?  This the first time I ever cleaned , I made breakfast" He said

I was confused why is every one acting like none of this happened it's like I'm reliving the same day "Grayson let's have fun put on shorts"

3 hour later

I TRIED EVERY THING IT'S ALL THE SAME except for the cookies they turned into cupcakes...... Weird

The ne- SAME DAY


THE COOKIES! what if I never ran into Evelyn?  Me and Gray went to the mall and I saw Evelyn I ignored it.

The next day

"Ethan were back" Yelled Dad

YES IT WAS THE COOKIES, but what the hell where in those cookies?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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