Meeting them ch.2

Começar do início


I got up from the floor and put my suit case on my bed and grabbed an outfit. I was just going to un pack tommorow. I grab a pair of ripped jeans, my nirvana shirt and a pair of my black vans. It is about 3:15pm

I walk out of my room to see Logan talking to his vlog

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I walk out of my room to see Logan talking to his vlog. Of course. I walk over to his fridge and there is barely anything to eat

"Good morning baby sis.  Or should I say good afternoon!"

"Hey lo, I am going to take your car to go to the store and get food because you have nothing."

"Ok the keys are on the counter"

" thanks"

I grabbed the keys and went down to the garage to drive to Ralph's.

I got back to the apartment and grab the bags from the trunk. I got into the elevator and we stopped at the first floor and picked up five guys. I have to admit they were kind of cute. We stop on my floor. I get out of the elevator and so do they. They were walking in the same direction as me. They just kept following me. I started to freak out because I have a fear of being kidnapped. I stopped and turned around and punched two of the guys in the stomach and kicked the other one in the balls. I was to scared to get the other two so I just ran to the apartment and shut the door when Logan sees that I am out of breath.

"What happens cougar"

"There...were...these....guys" I took a deep breath

"These guys followed me out of the elevator and you know I have a fear of being kidnapped so I turned around and punched two of them in the stomach and one of them in the balls."

Jakey is calling
J: hey sis
L: hey jakey
J: so I have a surprise for you so can you come over tomorrow?
L: um let me think I might be busy with all my new friends and my boyfriend wants to take me on a date so I'm not sure.
J:*laughter* ok I will see you tommorow. Bye
End of call

I started laugh. Jake knows me so well. I walk into the living room and see the guys that followed me. I scream. Then I notice Logan sitting with them laughing and then they stared at me and I look and one of the guys with ice on his sack. I was so confused.

"What they hell cougar, why are you screaming"

"Because these were the guys that followed me!"

Logan started laughing

"Why are you laughing" I said irritated

"Because these are the guys that I said that I wanted you to meet"

As soon as he said that I fell to the ground and put my head in my hands. I got up and walked over to the guys that I hurt.

"Oh my god I am so fucking sorry. I have a really big fear of being kidnapped and I have never met you guys so I got really scared I am so sorry" I put my face in my hands. I looked up all three of the guys were staring at me. They all said it was ok but I still felt bad.

Can't get him off my mind//Jack AveryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora