I Spike Some Drinks

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"Are you sure you don't want Frank and Hazel to come with you?" Jason asked as he walked with me across the Little Tiber and through the entrance tunnel. "I don't like that we're sending you without any help."

I chuckled. "You are helping me. You've helped me for the past year. I don't know if I'd still be here right now if you and Reyna hadn't agreed to let me stay at Camp Jupiter."

"I know, but—"

"Besides, you loaned me some more money and helped me exchange my denarii for drachmas. You let me into the praetor's private library so I could find out everything about Mnemosyne ever written down. You've done more than I could ask for," I said, slinging my arm around Jason's shoulders.

He laughed and gave me a fist bump. We opened the door and I stepped out of the tunnel while Jason remained inside. He said, "Fine, fine. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything. Keep us updated. And don't die. And Percy . . ."

I turned, hearing him pause. "Yeah?"

"If you do get back your friends and family's memories . . . don't forget about us, okay? You'll always have a place in the Twelfth Legion. I'll miss you, bro."

I laughed and lightly punched Jason on the shoulder. "I'll miss you too, bro. Don't worry. I'm not planning to completely forget about this place. Who knows, maybe after all of this is over . . . we can reunite the two camps."

Jason nodded. "I'd like that. And I think Reyna would too. Good luck, Percy."

I smiled at him and began walking away. I heard Jason yell "Ave!" and I grinned wider as I kept walking.

After a few near-death experiences while dodging cars, I made it to the side of the road. Once there, I found a few bushes to hide in. I didn't know how well the Mist could cover up people appearing out of thin air and then vanishing.

Poseidon? I prayed. Any chance you could come down here? Dionysus found a lead, and I think I can give you back your memory.

It felt like I'd barely finished thinking when my father materialized in front of me, bringing with him the smell of the sea. "What did you find out?" he asked, looking excited.

"Mnemosyne, the titan," I said. "She's the one who took your memories and everyone else's. She showed up and offered Mr. D a deal, which he refused. When she talked to him, she inadvertently revealed that she's gathering an army and preparing an attack. I need to go to Camp Half-Blood to help them fight and stop her. I was hoping you could get me there quickly. But first, I think I can cure your memory."

"How?" Poseidon wondered.

"With this," I said, taking out the gorgon's blood. "Gorgon's blood. I killed two gorgons the first day I came to Camp Jupiter and I got two vials of blood from it. Dionysus told me which one healed and which one killed. He said I could probably split it three ways. I want to split it between you, my mom, and my step-dad."

"Perfect! Dionysus is correct, this vial heals. Let's hope this works." Poseidon took the vial and drank about a third of it before handing it back to me, smacking his lips.

Poseidon winced and scratched at his throat. "Not the most tasteful thing," he said. I watched him carefully, hoping to see some hint of recognition in his eyes. After a few seconds, he looked straight at me and we locked eyes.

A moment passed. Then another. Then Poseidon's eyes widened. "Perseus . . ." he whispered. "I remember!" he exclaimed. "I remember everything!" He grabbed my shoulders and stared at me. "My son."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank the gods, I was gonna go crazy if Dionysus was the only one."

"I am so sorry I forgot you, Percy," Poseidon began but I lifted my hand to stop him.

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