"What?" You said laughing. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. He had a giant grin on his face. You waved your hand in front of him, grabbing his attention saying "Weeees~" He looked over to you, his face even more red than before.

"Hmm?" He said, looking at you with his eyes wide. You just laughed at him, causing him to laugh as well. You felt a hand on your cheek and you turned to him, looking at his face. He seemed slightly more serious, but also soft at the same time. He moved his face closer to yours, slowly. You could feel the heat rising to your face as you sat there, frozen. Your lips met. Your eyes were wide until they finally closed. You had a fuzzy feeling deep in your stomach as you moved your arms to his neck, wrapping yourself around him. He broke away and you felt as your cheeks grew even warmer, his also slightly dusted with pink. You pulled him back in for another, this one was more passionate. You broke away, resting your forehead against his. You smiled and laughed a little, Wes returning the favor. Your phone vibrated on the table as you got a phone call, ruining the moment. You laughed, not wanting to answer it.

"Always ruining the moment." You joked, turning to grab your phone. You looked at the screen, it was Tommy. You answered it, putting it on speaker so you wouldn't have to hold your phone.

"Hey Tommy wha-"

"I WATCHED THE LIVE STREAM AND WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR ANKLE!?!" He screamed, causing you to recoil away from your phone.

"Holy shit, dog. Calm down. I was filming a video and I hurt myself. Jesus." You said, sounding a bit angry. He instantly huffed, hanging up the phone. You looked over at Wes, who was just as confused as you were. You shrugged, pulling him in for another kiss, earning a muffled laugh from the both of you.


You laid on the couch as Wes and Joven ran to town to get a few things like groceries. You offered to go, but the both of them deciding that it would be better for you not to go. You weren't mad, you understood completely. You didn't want to get in their way, so you agreed and decided to stay home to watch a new series you found on Netflix called "Seven Deadly Sins". It was an anime, of course. You were about in the middle of episode three when your phone buzzed, indicating you were getting a call. You answered.


"Hey (Y/n), I forgot to ask you before we left but do you need anything specific?" You thought about it for a while, remembering you were almost out of (Tampon/Pad/Whatever you use). You blushed, not wanting to ask him. But, you only had maybe two or three left. You ran to the bathroom to check.

"Let me check something." You rummaged through your suitcase, trying to find the box so you could text Wes a picture of it. "Uhh..." You said as you piered into the completely empty box.

"What? Is something wrong?" Wes said, getting worried.

"I'm uh... out of... (Absorption Device)..." Your face heated up as you spoke, your voice trailing off.

"Okay, just send me a picture of the box or something." He said, sounding completely cool with it.

"You're cool with this?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You thought back to your ex, remembering how he refused to buy you things like that. You shook the thought of him out of your head.

"Umm... no reason. I-I'll send you a picture." You pressed the speaker option on the call and opened your texting app. You took a picture of the box, sending it to Wes. You heard as his phone vibrated, meaning he got the messege.

"Okay, we'll be home in a few. See ya then." You said bye and hung up. Your face was still a little pink and you facepalmed from the unneeded embarrassment.

Wes' Point Of View

"Why are there so many different kinds...?" Joven asked as I looked at the picture.

"I have no idea." I said looking through the rows and rows of brightly colored boxes.

"What's a 'Diva Cup'?" Joven asked, picking up a pink box with large text on the front saying 'Diva Cup'. Underneath, in slightly smaller lettering, it said 'Menstrual Cup'. I instantly took it from him, setting it back down, earning myself a confused and slightly angry "What?" from Joven. After about 15 minutes of confused searching, we finally found what we were looking for. I grabbed two boxes and headed to the check out.

"I'm surprised she asked you for them. She seems too shy to do something like that." I shrugged, remembering (Y/n) and I's conversation over the phone.

"I-Is that Joven and Wes!?!" I heard a little girl yell from behind us. I instantly threw the boxes at Joven, who hid them behind himself. We turned around to face a girl who appeared to be around 11 or 12. I waved to her, kneeling down to her level.

"Hi!" I said, sounding cheery and bubbly. She was so tiny and cute! She had long blonde pig tails and she had on a cute little pink dress.

"C-Can I have a picture!?" She said, taking a phone out of her small purse. I nodded, agreeing. So did Joven. Joven knelt down on the other side of her, hiding (Y/n)'s 'care packages' behind him. She gave us both hugs, running back over to her mother.

"That was fun." I said, smiling at Joven. He threw the boxes back at me.

"Yeah, it's nice to know that 'throwing your evidence on Joven' is your go to move." He joked. I quickly got into the self check-out line, bagging everything up and paying. We made our way to the car, setting the bags in the back seat. I set (Y/n)'s bag in the front with Joven. I also grabbed her a (Favorite/Candy/Bar) because it's candy, so why not. I put it in the bag, heading to Starbucks to get her something to drink as well.

"You're such a nice boyfriend." Joven said, randomly.

"Pfft... I don't know what you're talking about." I said, my face turning a slight pink as I pulled into the Starbucks parking lot.

"Wes, if I know anything, it's you." Joven said with a 'matter-of-fact' tone, "It may seem like it sometimes, but I ain't stupid... all of the time. I know you two have something going on." I glanced over at him as I parked the car, turning it off.

"You're not going to tell anyone, right?" I said, sounding more nervous than I had antisipated.

"No, why would I tell anyone? I won't gain anything from it if I did." He said, climbing out of the car. I sighed a breath of relief. I walked inside, Joven beside me.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you?" The young looking girl said from behind the counter. She looked to be around (Y/n)'s age, most likely a few years younger. Maybe 19.

"Yes, I need a medium (Starbucks Drink) and a medium hot chocolate." She typed it in the register.

"Can I have names for them?" I gave her mine and (Y/n)'s names.

"Okay that will be $4.50." (I don't know how Starbucks works, tbh.) I handed her a $5 and told her to keep the change. I stepped out of the way so Joven could order.

"(Y/n) and Wes." I heard someone call. I walked over, taking the drinks. I noticed that they, somehow, spelt (Y/n)'s name wrong. I groaned.

"Joshua." Joven walked up and grabbed his coffee, groaning as well.

"Spell it wrong?" I asked, looking at his cup. It looked like they had started to write the wrong thing, and just crossed it out and wrote 'Joshewa' over it.

"It's not Starbucks unless they fuck something up." I showed him how they spelled (Y/n)'s name, he chuckled.

"That's kind of funny." He pointed out, laughing. I smiled, laughing as well. We climbed back in the car, putting the drinks in the cup holders. We were finally on our way home.

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now