"Huh, that's strange. Newt is usually here to walk with me by now." I thought aloud as I rose from the bed and began to the door.

"Thanks for everything Clint. I'm gonna go look for Newt and make sure everything is fine." I mumbled absentmindedly as I walked out of the room, all my attention on Newt.

"Okay, have fun!" I heard Clint call out, but I was too focused on finding Newt to respond.

As I walked out of the Homestead, my eyes searched the Glade for any sign of Newt, or danger. I was quick to notice a large group of boys who had crowded around the West Door to the Maze, their bodies packed so tight together that I couldn't see what they were crowded around.

I began to jog over to the group to inspect, the constant anxiousness gnawing at the pit of my stomach and the horrible thoughts of something bad happening to Newt making me pick my pace up to a swift run.

Once I finally reach the crowd, I shoved my way through to the front where all the boys were looking down at. My eyes slowly and fretfully lowered to the scene below me, and I felt my stomach churn and twist into a tight knot.

"Oh my god." I barely breathed as I stared down at the motionless body lying on the ground, covered in sweat and dirt. Quiet murmurs were passed around the group as everyone took in the sight in front of them.

"What the hell happened to him?" My shaky voice resonated through the entrance of the Maze just in front of me as I stared down at the body. He was laying on his back, his eyes squeezed shut and his chest rising and falling ever so subtly. He had short blonde hair that clumped together with sweat along his forehead, and his skin was painted with blood from scratches and cuts that covered his skin.

"He got stung by a Griever. Elliot found him on his way back and dragged him all the way back here." Minho, who just seemed to appear out of nowhere spoke up from beside me, making me jump.

"Then what is everyone doing just standing around? We have to get him back to the Homestead!" I shrieked, rushing forward to look over the boys wounds.

"Well you're a Medjack, so pick him up and take him there!" Some boy snorted loudly, which was followed by a chorus of muffled snickers.

"Listen here slinthead! Good ol' Jack here has just been stung by a Griever, and Rosie is just trying to help. How about you stop being a little smartass and help out for once, or you can be sure that you will be sleeping with the Grievers tonight!" Minho growled, stepping up to the boy and grabbing a fistful of his shirt is he threatened him.

"Now since you like being a shuckface, you and all of your friends who think that you're so funny can help our Greenie here get Jack to the Medjack's room. Now!" Minho sneered while shoving the boy into the middle of the crowd.

"And you better apologise to her, or you will have to deal with Newt. And trust me, he won't be happy that you're insultin' his girlfriend." Minho muttered as began to walk away. If it were any other time, I would have felt my cheeks redden, and scolded Minho, but I was too focused on the poor boy Jack. The other boy who had joked earlier stumbled towards me, almost face planting before regaining his balance. He slowly stood up straight and turned to face me, his face bright red with embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry." He muttered as he and his friends walked over and picked Jack up by the arms, legs and shoulders.

It wasn't until we were almost in the Homestead that I spotted Newt jogging towards me and the group of boys carrying Jack.

"Where have you been?" I asked desperately as Newt finally joined us.

"Sorry, Alby and I were just asking Elliot a few questions. How's Jack holdin' in?"

The One I Love || Newt-TMRМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя