Is this Jennifer?

Start from the beginning

"Promise me you won't leave me and I will find a way to know if Jennifer is really related to you" . I said.

"okay Harlee can we lay the cards down, now these are my conditions about arrangement so when we have visitors I want you to call me by my name Gino, I don't want you to act as my pet I want you to act as my girlfriend just when there are people around I don't want them to suspect that you are my pet is that clear?. When I get home I expect you to have prepared yourself for dinner with me and you're ready for me. That's all I want is that fair enough? when you need something you can always ask me if you need to buy clothes, shoes, and bags anything just let me know." I told her. "Oh lastly here is your phone it is block and the only person you can call or text is me" I added

"yes master I will be here to serve you and thank you for this phone" she replied.

"now I want you to get changed into any clothing that you can get from my closet and we will be going out to shop for your clothes, bags and shoes because you will need it specially when I have events to go to you will be my plus one" I told her. "now get ready we're going in five" I added.

I sat on the bed waiting for her to get change she went through the closet and pick the most simplest clothing she could ever find like track pants that doesn't fit me any more and just plain white top. Right there I realised how I don't see her as Jennifer now I see her as Harlee.

As much as I want to treat her normally the auction contract states that I am forbidden to treat her normally however. I can only do that when it has been 3 years if not they have the right to get her back.

"I am ready master" I heard her whisper. She looks so comfortable in my clothes.

"Gino we are now going to the outside world and please start to act like my girlfriend and not some sort of girl who will just follow me around. Act normal and confident paparazzi will be following as around and watching our every move as a couple" I replied as I grabbed her hand and entwined it with mine.

As we walk to my car I catched a glimpse of a black BMW car parked on the other side of the street with a man looking at us. This are probably the people from the club so I have to show some dominance before they notice that I am treating her normally. Harlee was about to get in the car but I slammed the door shut and pushed her to the car and kissed her roughly then I opened the car and shoved her in I shut the door and we made our way to the mall.

It was a quiet ride but I had to break the atmosphere. "I am sorry for what I just done, I just saw some people following us from the club I am guessing they are checking whether I am treating you dominantly or not.

"It's okay your mas.. I mean Gino I understand I know about the contract too and they might think that way as well. She replied while looking at the windows.

"It seems like something is in your mind. What is it my gem?" I said nicely.

"I I was just thinking what if I knew my parents what would I be doing now? I am guessing I would have finished university. Well I am lucky enough to finish high school." She replied.

"Well I would not have met you. I am sorry this has to happen to you I promise just bare with my dominancy and in three years I will set you free if you wouldn't want to be with me anymore" I said in a low voice.

"Thank you, not for allowing me to leave in three years but for bidding for me, the minute you took me away from that place that was the time that I have been set free. I owe you my life and I am grateful for it, please don't think that I'll leave because I will absolutely not do such thing. I will only leave if you're the one that doesn't want me anymore." She said truthfully and all I could reply was to kiss her gently this time until I heard Ben.

"Sir we're here"

"Okay come on Harlee"

We walked through Chanel, Gucci, Balenzciaga, L.V and many more brands but Harlee wanted the cheapest one she could find so what I did was I got her fitted for her size and I bought every clothing in every store on her size from dresses, tops, shirt, jeans, skirt, shoes, bags for formal and non formal occasions. Lastly we went to Victoria Secret for her lingerie and night wear.

After 5 hours of walking she was exhausted once we got in the car she slept like a baby. When we arrived I carried her to our room changed her on to something more comfortable. Before I left to go to my office I sat next to her and quickly whispered "thank you for coming in to my life and bringing light and warmth. You are my precious GEM". And kissed her soft lips.


Harlee's POV

He quickly whispered "thank you for coming in to my life and bringing light and warmth. You are my precious GEM". And he kissed my lips.

Once he close the door I woke up and thought about today. Gino is not like Master Alex. Gino cares for me even though we just met. I will give my all to him for now he is my life, my saviour, my heaven from my miserable life. He might be bipolar at times but I know there is a light in his heart and I will try to remove all the pain that might have caused him and be the perfect girl.


Gino's POV

While doing some of my paper works in my office my phone rang and when I looked at the phone it was my mom.

Hi mom you called?

Son I haven't seen you in months why don't you visit me and your father.

I know you miss me but I know the reason why you want me to come and I right?

Smart boy make sure you bring that lovely lady of yours. It is about time to settle down, get married and of course babies. Me and your dad are getting old we need grandkids running around our backyard.

Grandkids? Mom he has his own grankids with David are you forgetting? Anyways I'll let you know mom bye.

I stopped the conversation as it was starting to get heated up I love my mother too much to bring pressure on her.

If he did not cheat on her I wouldn't be this person today. The day he told my mom about another child was the day that I removed him as a father to me and officially removed his last name when I was legal to do so at a right age.

As much as I don't want to cause anymore trouble with David he still has yet to know why I have this anger on him. Soon he will find out.

Here you go I can't promise if I can update again for this week. But I made sure this is a long chapter.

Sorry if there are any errors and typo I just typed my way through this hahaha.

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