Distance can't stop what's meant to be

Depuis le début

I knew what that look meant and it wasn't a good one.

The look I'd thought I would never see from him in my life!

But I saw it that day.

"To ever think I was gonna say I love you tonight!" I yelled and stormed out of Pop's.

Me leaving Jughead and him just standing there probably thinking about what I just said.

People's eyes followed me out of the place and shifted towards Jughead.

Once I got outside, tears rolled down my cheeks like the pouring rain outside currently.

I had no umbrella, so once I got inside the house I was soaked.

I took off my wet clothes and went in the shower.

Once I was done, I put on my night clothes and laid down on my bed.

Thinking about what happened last night.

What I did wrong...what I did that was right.

Hell...nothing was right in that situation.

Worst part was...is that was our 1 year anniversary date.

1 year with that guy and his beanie.

I laughed at the thought of it.

I felt bad for just storming out like that.

I needed to talk to Jughead!

Jughead's POV:
"To ever think that I was gonna say I love you tonight!" She yelled as she disappeared out of Pop's.

Everyone was staring but I didn't care.

I made a mistake...a huge one.

Not just ruining our one year anniversary but our relationship.

I sat there in the booth at Pop's lonely.

Opening my computer and started typing like any 'ol regular day.

I shut my computer.

I couldn't type because my mind wasn't focused on that but it was on Betty.

I gave her the news so quick.

I should've waited. I got up out of the booth and went over to Pop's.

"Ah yes. Jughead. What could I get for you today?"

"Strawberry milkshake please."

"Strawberry? Trying a new flavor?"

"No it's for my girlfriend actually."

"Nice thing to do Jughead. Here ya go."

He handed me the milkshake and I gave him a smile.

I headed out the door and got some flowers and headed to her house.

I saw something walking towards me, but didn't know what it was.

That was when the figure got closer and kissed me.

"Betty." I said after the kiss.

I heard her giggle. She's so cute.


"What's this?" She asked pointing to the drink.

"For you."

She looked down trying to hide her blushing.

"Thanks Jughead." She said and hugged me.

"I love you Betty."

She looked up at me and placed her lips on mine.

"I love you too Jughead."

I kissed her again but more passionately.

Even though I was moving, nothing could tear our love apart.


Love is one of the most strongest powers of them all.


Hey guys! Another Bughead Oneshot! If u guys have any ideas for Bughead Oneshots, feel free to comment!🙃💖
Anyways I hope you like this Oneshot and love ya guys❤️❤️

- Zahna 💖

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