A narrow escape and surprise encounter

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After school the next day Alice and I were trying to think who could of killed mother at the funeral. We all decided to take the alley home today, Alice spotted a shadowy figure swoop past the corner Alice, Jay and I followed closely behind her blind to what may be around that corner. It was a fence it seemed empty so we all went in more puzzled than ever this angry snarling, growling,hideous beast came charging at us. Alice and I managed to escape into a tunnel but Jay barely made his narrow escape. We went into a tunnel trying to stay far from the beast we had encountered. When Alive and I came out of the tunnel everything seemed so different ,we looked around and realized that nothing was the same all the trees were burnt and everyone that had lived there lie on the ground dead everything was silent except for the for the faint noise of fire crackling in the distance, we turned around and I was terrified to see my father standing behind Alice and myself .
I said with a slight stutter " b-but you're dead how can this be?"

"Those who are dead are alive in this world and those alive in the other lay softly asleep until they meet their sweet demise." he replied.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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