chapter 11

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Emily's pov

I meet Aria and Hanna outside college, they both keep winding me up about Ali ,saying how differently I treat the other's Teachers compared to her, which I do they are right howerver, I'm not exactly going to admit it to them. As we make our way to Spencer's we stop off at a shop getting alcohol with a few other stuff too . I pay the girl at the counter she gives me friendly smile I return it however it doesn't give me the same butteflies In my tummy. In fact it actually does nothing to me. As we leave the shop while walking down the road ,Aria links my arm I link her back, while Hanna is texting caleb on her phone .

"So Emily what did you think of her then did you find her hot out of a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being the hottest what would you give her ? "

"Probably about a 4 Aria. I'm not really finding anyone attractive at the moment"

"Oh yeah yeah Emily"
Hanna says while putting her phone in her pocket

"Aria what does Hanna mean exactly am I missing something ? "

"No Em your not ignore Hanna she can be a wind up come on let's go "

As we get round to Spencer's we disappear into her barn while lighting up some candles and sitting down on the sofa . Spencer gets some glasses from the cupboard and pours some wine into them. I knock mine back but immediately regretting my decision as it's gone to my head already .

"Let's play truths?"
Hanna asks

"Oh we okay this all the time"
I moan while leaning back into the sofa

"Oh come on Em don't be boring play it with us "

"Okay fine let's go play it then "
I say with no enthusiasm to my voice what so ever

"Did you ever sleep with Paige Em?"
Hanna asks

"No way we never did anything like that at all "

Is it true that you fancy our maths Teacher in college?"
I ask her

"Yeah I do a bit however Caleb is my boy. I wouldn't ever cheat on him or hurt him either. "

Was it true that you had sex with Ezra in the classroom once ?
Spencer asks Aria "

"Oh gosh okay yes we did but don't tell a single soul "

"Ohhh sex in the ckarrom sounds hot " I smile

"It is true you both fancied your sisters boyfriend at the same time? "
I ask her

"Well yeah but it was like ages go Emily "

"Okay fair enough next person " I say dismissively

"Is it true you fancy miss Diluarentis?" Spencer asks

I pause for a long second before answering the question . i don't even look at anyone I just kinda zone out for a moment .

"No I don't at all guys honestly I don't "

"Oh come on Em don't lie to us "
Hanna says with a tone

"I'm not lying to you why would I lie anyways? "

"Maybe because your scared of admitting the truth a bit like how I was with Ezra"
aria adds

"Well I don't and if I did i would admit to it "

"But we've seen the way you are and look at each other it's pretty dam obvious Emily"
Hanan says

"Leave it Hanna Emily Will tell us in her own time"
spencer says while getting up from the sofa

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