chapter one ; betrayal

Start from the beginning

Annabeth's eyes widened. Without hesitation, she readily agreed. Percy looked on proudly, his eyes wet as he watched his girlfriend receive everything she ever deserved.

A second later, a beautiful blonde grey-eyed minor goddess stood, her eyes gleaming proudly. Percy's heart warmed, full of admiration and love for the love of his life. After this, they would finally be at peace. No more wars, no more deaths, no more heartaches. Both of them would be able to finally happily retire to their own devices and live a life they dreamed of. Maybe they'd go and live in the countryside, or something. Have a few kids, raise a few dogs. As long as they were together and in love, Percy felt like he would and could do anything. Suddenly, his trance was broken when he heard his name from all the way across the throne room.

"PERCY JACKSON!" Poseidon roared.

A sense of foreboding crept over Percy.  He didn't understand why; he could finally have godhood and be with the love of his life in peace. Yet somehow, his palms just seem to clam up and his heart started to beat erratically. His gut feeling told him that something was going to happen, and it wasn't good.

Percy walked unsteadily to the middle of the throne room. He bowed to his father, keeping his head down low. "Does anyone dare question that my son is undeserving of the title of an Olympian god?" Poseidon asked the Olympian council. There was silence as everyone unanimously agreed that Percy Jackson, two time saviour of Olympus and their salvation, was absolutely deserving. Poseidon was almost smug as he looked towards Zeus, waiting for Zeus to award Percy godhood.

Zeus slowly looked up from observing his nails, his eyes lazy and condescending. "I'm sorry, but as far as I know, I'm the only one in this council able to grant Percy godhood. And I deny your request, brother. This boy is not fitting."

All the gods gaped at him. Zeus smirked. "I don't believe that my worries are unfounded. I'm going to echo the thoughts of probably half the gods in this room, that this boy here has simply grown too powerful. How do we know that he won't betray us one day?" 

There was a tremendous uproar in the throne room. "That's beyond foolish! His fatal flaw is loyalty- he would be the last person to ever betray us!" Apollo spluttered out, feeling wronged on behalf of Percy. Percy's friends all looked worried, wanting to step ahead and argue for Percy's case. But with a warning look from the respective parents, they swallowed their anger and stepped back in line, their throats burning with unsaid arguments. 

So, turns out, this was the reason for that sense of foreboding. It wasn't for naught, after all.

Percy just stood there, trembling with anger while he clenched his fist so tightly that it drew blood. He felt so, so wrong. He had given up so much- dedicated his teenage years to fighting for Olympus, lost his naivety in the process of growing stronger. He had foresaken so much, had so much blood on his hands, had been hardened through countless pains suffered.

So he went through all that suffering for nothing? Not even be rewarded with the life he should have had, if he were not dragged into this whole mess, but instead cast aside once he was done with? All he ever wanted was for the war to be over, to be left in peace, and to spend the remainder of his days with the people he loved. Yet, it seemed, like it was simply too much to ask for.

He swallowed back a lump in his throat. He would not cry, never. He wouldn't let this blasted world receive the satisfaction. Tears of feeling so wronged threatened to break loose, and the all-too-familiar anger rose within him.

Zeus smiled smugly. "As the king of the Gods, I will be merciful and spare the boy. However, he will not be awarded godhood and has to swear loyalty to Olympus only-the major gods- on the River Styx. He is to constantly be at our service, but is not allowed to step a foot on Olympus grounds. If allowed to live, he is not allowed to use his powers unless I warrant him to do so. This is the most pardon I can show to him, and a far too generous offer."

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