“To the city please.” He nodded.

I hope everything gets better.

* *

Harry’s POV

“Harry, you need to calm yourself down!” Mum yelled. I was stuffing random clothes into a small suitcase. I needed to find Ruby in Melbourne. I wasn’t just going to let her go that easily. 


I kicked and screamed my lungs out in front of everyone at the airport. I didn’t give a shit though. Ruby was on that plane and I was being dragged away from her. 

The two security guards dropped me just the ticketing gate. 

“Please you have to let me on that plane! My daughter is on there and she needs me! I need her! Please I will do anything!” I begged them, as tears rolled down my face. 

“Sir, we’re just doing our job.” They helped me up and escorted me out of the airport.

There were paps taking pictures. I wonder what the headlines will say.

‘Harry Styles loses daughter?’ or ‘Harry Styles escorted out of London Airport’.

Flashback over.

“Harry!” Mum’s voice pulled me away from the flashback.

“Yeah.” I looked into her eyes, they were filled with sorrow and sadness.

“I think you need to take a deep breath and think about what you’re doing.”

I took in a breath of fresh oxygen and thought to myself. I need Ruby. She needs me. I need to find her.

“Mum, I’m leaving and there’s nothing you can do about it.” 

“You don’t even know where she is in Melbourne!”

“I will find her and anyways the paps will know where she is too!” 

“But Harry, it’s nearly Christmas! It’s Louis’ birthday!” 

“Lou won’t mind if I’m not there!” I zipped my bag up and hugged Mum.

“I need to do this and you know! I love you and Ruby!” I could feel tears drip onto my top, Mum didn’t want me to leave.

“Okay Harry. I love you too! Ruby too. Go on and find her.” 

I pulled away from her and smiled.

I’m going to find Ruby.

* *

Ruby’s POV

I had just set myself up in an hotel room. The taxi driver had taken me to Crown Casino, because it’s where all the celebrities stay. I remember the last time I stayed in Melbourne, Harry and I stayed at the Hilton. It was pretty shit there, and this room I had was wow! 

It had a beautiful view of the Yarra River and the buildings surrounding the hotel. I could see lots of paps surrounding the entrance of Crown. Probably hoping for a picture of me. What could I do for the rest of the day? Sleep? Yeah. The time was 2:00pm. 

Let’s see what tomorrow will bring! 

* *


I dragged myself away from the comfy bed. My hair probably looked disgusting and my eyes well let’s not get started on that.

I looked through the hole in the door. There stood a women with a tray of food. What the heck was the time? I’ll have a look later.

I opened the door and the smell of the food went straight into my nostrils. 

“Hello Miss Styles! Merry Christmas, I just wanted to bring you some breakfast!” The women walked inside to the room and placed the food on the table near the bedroom door. “Thank you for the food and Merry Christmas to you too!” My british voice spoke.

“It’s not a problem! If you need anything, please just ask for me! I’m Mia!” 

“Cool thank you! I’m Ruby. You probably know that already through.” I smiled at her.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind me asking but where’s Harry? I mean your Dad?” Mia asked.

“He’s back in London.” I looked down. I didn’t really want to talk about Harry. 

“If you ever need to talk, please I’m always here. I could be a friend or a helper. Now, I’ll call in later to collect your tray so eat up!” She pulled me into a hug and then walked off down the hall. She seemed nice!

I shut the door and went over to the tray of food. I popped over to the couch and switched on the telly. I didn’t know about Australian TV, so I chucked it on Channel 9. 

“Hello! Welcome back to the TODAY SHOW! Our top story is about Ruby Styles. Now, she was seen in bordering a plane in London and Harry Styles, her father was also seen being pulled away from the plane by two security guards. Harry seemed quite upset that he was being carried away from Ruby. Now, she was seen in Melbourne getting into a taxi and driving off. Sources say, she is staying at Crown Casino.” One of the presenters spoke.

“You know Karl, it’s a bit odd how Harry was being carried away from Ruby.” Another presenter said.

“That’s right Lisa. I’m sure we will find out very soon! But in the meantime Harry Styles has just be seen saying goodbye to his mother, Anne Cox at the airport in London. Do you think he’s off to find Ruby? It is Christmas Eve there!” Karl spoke.

“Maybe he is! But Merry Christmas Everyone!” Lisa yelled through the TV.

I switched off the TV and sat my food. 

Is Harry actually coming to get me? 

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