Chapter 6

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We got in, my body was shivering. He put my bag down and turned the heater when he noticed that I was shivering. He looked at me and smiled. He looked embarrassed, shy, hesitated. He didn't know what to do, but he seemed one of those bad boy types.

He offered me to have a sit in the living room but when we went there it was too cold and there was awkward silent.
I just don't know how to start, I'm usually the one who starts, but with him something is stopping me. Something is holding me back from his embrace.

As we made our way to his bedroom I asked what is his name. He smiled and so gently and quietly he told me Harry, the minute he said that I though I was about to faint from how beautifully he said it. I smiled as he opened his door room.

We walked in and it was a normal room. He once again laid the bag on the floor and once again looked at me with shyness, his eyes such pureness into them. I felt when I looked at him that he was an angel and I was a devil.

He gently took of his jacket and laid it gently on the bed next to me. He told me that he will go chance in the bathroom and I will change here so I could have more personal space. I agreed with him and watched his half naked body that was filled with tattoos walk out of the bedroom into the bathroom.

I quickly took of my clothes and took out one of my lingers. It was a red, seen through one. It was one of my favorite. When I finished I walked awkwardly around the dark room until once again a half naked boy come in the room, but this time he had different pants on.

We once again smiled at each other and I stood next to the window looking at his movement. He come close to me with a smile that still showed innocent, he looked at me and slowly put his hand on my cheek, he was the first man that very treated with me kindness before sex.

He just moving his hands slowly on my face with his green eyes locked into mine, I wanted this moment to last forever even if I barley knew him, even if it will be a one night stand like the rest of them. I just wanted this to last forever.

"Would you like to go to bed," he asked so gently and quietly.

He zoned me back in with this question, I shook my head and me and him headed to his bed. He went in first and opened his arms so I could go in them. I did, he hugged my back and me and him slept, with him hugging me so tight and safety. And this was the first night of my life that I sleep without having sex, yet instead of feeling tired and overworked, I felt safe and loved...


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