Asteria, Goddess of the Stars

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Asteria, the starry one. She controls the stars, she's the one that completes the night sky.

Of course she had to be the one that I was making my promises to.

I look towards Kamui, his face amerced In a book, he looked so peaceful yet to focused.

'Kamui, I believe I know what the stars do now. Hevlaska was on the right track.' I tell him, as I see his face leave the book he was just reading.

'So every promise you make aids the potential demise of our solar system?' He asks, looking curious.

'I believe so, but the promises I'm making aren't to the stars but to the Greek Goddess of stars, Asteria' I tell him, he looks into my eyes and even I could tell that he's confused by my last statement.

'Asteria?' He asks me.

'Asteria, you can link her name to the word 'astral' as in the astral plain.' I let out a small giggle.
'I own a book that talks about the gods of the atmosphere, I can lend you it so you can educate yourself'

He looks at me with a shocked face.

'Do I look stupid?' He asks. And in my head I'm nodding like crazy, but I shake my head to indicate I mean no.
'I'll borrow that book either way' he winks at me.

'You want to learn about her? Really?' I look at him with gleaming eyes.

'Well, now that she has something to do with the order, I may as well research and learn about her, I may even learn the consequences of making the promises in her name' he tells me.

'Well read on! I'll be back in a few minutes' I tell him as I walk out of the door towards my bedroom, which was just one floor up, I could take the stairs but I'm too lazy. It's early in the morning, I'd say about 00:32 am. (I wrote the chapter at this time, I'm tired ;-;) and the lift was a safe option.

As I get on the lift, I hold onto my dress, making sure it didn't get caught in the doors, otherwise I'd have a ripped uniform and it wouldn't be a pretty sight, considering my size and all.

As I reached my room, I go to my book shelf and search for the Greek Mythology encyclopaedia. As I see it in the corner of my eye, I grab it, not thinking about how it may stir my book shelf, with that great force I just pulled my book out with.

Without thinking, I turn to leave the room and my book shelf, probably annoyed with the fact that I grabbed one of its books, fell onto the floor, catching my foot in the process.
I'd be surprised if no one heard it, since it was such a loud noise, but Kamui is down stairs, so is Allen. So what was I to do?

Out of no where, there was a sudden knock on my door.
'Come in!' I tell the person outside, without trying to release and squeal.
Okay, I know it's my fault, I can be a klutz. A big one at that, but it hurts.
The person outside opens the door and spectates me on the floor.

And boy, can anyone guess who it was? Drum roll please...

Kanda Yū.
It could've been Lenalee, it could've been Johnny. But noooooo, it was Kanda.

'Having trouble there?' He asks in a monotone voice.

'Very much so. Could you help me?' I ask him politely.
He looks at me, his eyes saying, "do it yourself".

'Please' I add.
He moves closer towards me, grabbing one end of the book shelf.
As he lifts it, I feel a weight coming off my foot, and it hurt even more.

'Kiddo, you'll need to move out of the way.' He tells me.

'I can't..' I tell him quietly.
He looks at me and back at my foot, he then sighs and I look at him. Am I that much of a burden?

'It hurts doesn't it?' He asks me as I nod silently.
'Of course it would, considering how many books you've got, I'm surprised you haven't been knocked out earlier.' He tells me.

'Books are a way to gain intelligence, you should read some. They'll help you' I tell him whilst looking into his eyes.

'Oh really? Should I?' He asks me as he places the bookshelf into its original place and picks me up.

'And where are you taking me?' I ask him.
He looks at me and then back to the door.

'First we're going to see Kamui, he needs that book right? Then we'll go to the doctors quarters, your leg needs to be checked out' he tells me.
I look at him and smile.

'Thank you!' I tell him, and for the first time in forever, I'm not scared of him. I hug his head for assurance.

'Oi, Kiddo. Are you trying to strangle me?' He asks me sounding mad.

'No! I was trying to hug you!' I look at him with a sad face. But suddenly, he hugs me back.

'Let's get those jobs done, and then we can go eat. My treat, okay?' He tells me with a faint smile.

I smile back at him, my eyes glistening. I held the book tightly In my hand.


Kanda holds me tightly, making sure that I don't fall out of his arms. As we reach the library, a concerned Kamui gazed at Kanda and I.

'Hello! Here's the book I told you about. Asteria should be at page 108' I tell Kamui.

'Why are you in Kandas arms?' He asks me.

Kanda looks at me and then to Kamui.

'Long story, bookshelf fell on her leg and I found her' Kanda tells him.

'Awh, poor you. You need to get checked out. Kanda take her to the medical ward.' Kamui tells Kanda.

'I was planning on that. She doesn't seem able to move it very much, and there's already evidence of bruising.' Kanda and Kamui talk back.

'Boys, I'll be fine' I tell them.

'Let the doctor decide that' Kamui tells me.
'Kanda' Kamui stars again.

'Yes, we'll be going now' he tells Kamui.
Kanda begins to walk out of the library, towards the Medical ward.

'Kamui! Make sure to read the book! Page 108! Asteria goddess of the stars' I shout as we reach the doors to the library.
Kamui simply smiles.

Now that Kamui was out of sight. It was only Kanda and I.
I begin to drift away in Kandas arms.

'Tired?' He asks me.

'Very much so' I tell him.

'Sleep, I'll take you there' he tells me and I fall into a darkness called unrest. I stayed up late, and I'm tired. Yet I'm making Kanda do all this work for me.
'I'm sorry' I mumble in my sleep.

Kanda smiles softly, as we inch closer to the ward, all is silent but the tip tapping of his shoes, creating a lullaby for the sleeping.

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