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The moment he closed the door I felt a shiver down my spine. His perfect face was turned towards us and his eyes were glaring coldly towards Chanyeol and me. Even though he wore sweatpants and a white shirt his face was still the same: flawless... flawlessly cold.

''Come on, Sehun! It was her first time...'' Chanyeol tried to defend me but Sehun only shook his head.

''The boss gave her one week. She must have a good amount of talent to even meet half of his exceptions in this time.'' Sehun explained and sighed.

''...Also you started with the wrong thing. The most important thing is her body: if she can't fight with her fists than she won't be able to handle a gun.'' He added and now the snooty tone in his voice was clearly visible.

I could see Chanyeol clench his fists in anger: ''I am going to change...'' he only got out through his gritted teeth before he turned around to leave the gym.

''Wow, our Sehunnie may not had his morning cigarette~'' Baekhyun tried to joke around to lift up the mood but none of us laughed.

When Chanyeol was back, dressed in sweatpants, we decided to go onto the mattress in the middle of the room and practice fighting. Fortunately the giant seemed to have calmed down. I totally could understand his anger though... Sehun had sounded too cocky.

''Our Kyungsoo is actually the strongest out of us but Sehun has the best tactic.'' Baekhyun announced and crossed his arms.

''But Kyungsoo hates fighting so he does all the computer work.'' Chanyeol noted.

''People like you use their fists! I am rather happy to use my brain. Something that you don't seem to have.'' Baekhyun quoted Kyungsoo and added a priggish tone to it which made him, Chanyeol and I chuckle.

When I turned around I saw that Sehun was not laughing. He was only staring angrily at us which made me stop having fun really quickly.

The boys showed me some basic steps for a good two hours with smoking breaks every twenty minutes, until Sehun announced: ''You should put your practice in action.''

I surly became anxious by just hearing his smooth voice. I was hungry, weak and should fight after just two hours of basically copying their moves?

''She should do it with Baekhyun. He is the closest to her body type.'' Chanyeol noted a little bit worried.

''Sorry, but the chances that a delicate pixie would come across her to fight, are really small. She should try to fight against me.'' Sehun huffed.

I could feel the panic rise in me the more Sehun spoke.

''Even though I am really flattered that you called me a delicate pixie, I actually don't think that it will work, Sehunnie. We practiced for two hours.'' Baekhyun tried to convince Sehun.

So Sehun started to argue with his elders. Chanyeol got really fed up in the end and even announced: ''Why don't we fight then? Huh?''

It was a mess and even though I was afraid to face Mr. Perfect in front of me, I knew that he was right. I needed to learn fast so I could clear my debts, protect my brother and get out of here. I needed to jump into cold water.

''I will do it!'' I announced. ''I will fight against you, Sehun.''

So it happened, clearly against Chanyeol's will, who was huffing in annoyance the whole time.

When we stood right across each other I could look him into his dark eyes.

They were ice cold but somewhat beautiful. I had the feeling that I had never seen eyes like this before. What was I even thinking? I must have been dizzy from all the hunger and sleeplessness inside of me.

''Try to attack me.'' Sehun ordered and I was ripped out of my thoughts.

I breathed in and out, trying to calm my wrecking nerves that were pulsating through my weak body. With slow paces I walked towards Sehun and his beautiful eyes... and then with all the left energy that was left in my brain I tried to remember what I just had practiced. I swung my arm up in the air and tried to punch Sehun in the face but he swiftly dodged my attack. For a second I was surprised because my fist just met air but then I was brought back to my senses when I felt a heavy stroke into my guts. I was on my back... on the mattress... and someone was on top of me, his hands pinning my arms down onto my sides.

I blinked a few times until I realized whose brown eyes were glaring down upon me.
Sehun's face was just a few centimeters away from me, his hot breath wandering down my neck.

It was confusing. There was something else in his eyes – something warm, maybe a shimmer of something else than hate. He looked at me with this shimmer. I could feel something moving inside of my chest. Suddenly everything was so warm and confusing. I had never felt something like this before.

''You are too weak.'' Suddenly his soft voice echoed through the room and the shimmer in his eyes was long gone.

''I – I had no breakfast – no sleep – I'' I wanted to defend myself, still overwhelmed by what had happened a few seconds ago.

He pulled himself up and did not even look at his friends before he turned away and walked towards the door: ''The training is over.'' He announced angrily and was gone.

''Sehun – wait!'' Chanyeol yelled after him. ''I have never seen him like that!'' He added and with a ''sorry'' he ran after his friend, with whom he just had a little quarrel before.

I was so confused. Why did he look at me that way? Why did everything became so different when he glared at me like that? Why was I feeling this weird thing in my chest? These are the people who want to kill my brother and me!

''Your organs are working pretty well, sweetheart.'' I was suddenly ripped out of my thoughts from a sweet voice that could only come from Baekhyun. He was standing next to me and smiled such a devilish, cute smile that it was almost creepy.

''Especially your heart.'' He added.

''It was beating so loud that I could even hear it from across the room.''

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