Stars and Moons

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Finally. It's here. My favorite place Magcon was taking us to. San Diego, California. I wasn't really looking forward to sharing rooms with Matt and Ari, the "love birds" I suppose.

"Hey Cam, Help me unpack?" says Matt. I go over to help when I hear a knock on the door. I go to open it hoping it was Nash, we were suppose to go to the beach soon. But it was just Ari.

"Babe!" she yells as she comes in to Matt

"Hi baby!" he yells back. Great, lets sit here and watch them cuddle.



"Let's go Lexi!" yells my best friend, Khush, from across my hallway.

"I'm almost ready," I yell back just as i finish putting on my bikini top. We were going to the beach to see Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier because they tweeted they were going to the South Beach, which was right off my uncle's house, in which we were stayimg at for a couple months. I grabbed my iPhone, sunglasses, and a beach towel and went headed for the beach

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