This is how I work!

>> How do you manage to write a number of stories at the same time?

The thing is sometime some idea stuck inside my scalp and I have to write it down, at least in the form of a SP, then I get peace.
And I don't like to be stuck with one thing when it comes to something as exciting as writing a story.
So just like that jumping here and there.

I get easily bored like children and I need a lot of entertainment.
So that's how my system works!
It wasn't the case for TTW as I lost interest and now I'm starting to get it back.

For me life is like a movie.
Until it's interesting, we get to move on.
If it's not, we are bored.
And we are the one to try to make it interesting with our activities.
And that's what I'm doing!

I hope my answers are clear! Fingers crossed! LOL
Thank you for being here.


Thanks dear!

>> Are you interested in writing a dark story?

As you said, I write mostly lovely and happy stories even if I know that the world is not full of happy endings.
That's what makes us happy reading it and that's what I can think when I want to write a story.

Else, I will for sure try to write a dark and black story once I finish what I have in my hands now.
At that time, I will come towards you all for help and I will need it a lot.

>> Which of your characters is the most similar to real life you?

Most of the time I take everything that comes in my way as an experience.
If it's positive in my POV, I try to improve from that.
If it's negative in my POV, I try to learn from that.
Same goes to when I see someone else's adventures.
It helps a lot to decide what we have to do and what not.

I'm the eldest of my family and in whole clan from my mother's side who live in France.
So I'm like an example for the rest of this generation people. I learnt few things on my own without any guide as both my parents aren't fully aware of France studies and life.

And I like to have a happy moments even in sad and I think a lot by putting myself in others shoes most of the time, except when I angry and it doesn't happen a lot!

I crack jokes here and there in family and speaks a lot.

So I think a bit of me is there in every Chakor and Suraj even if it's for stubbornness.
The most I will say Chakor!

And I think with all the things I said, you can judge it better from outside than me.
So tell me who am I like according to you (if possible)!

Thanks for these interesting questions!


Thanks for your detailed answers.

For me, Chakor from POD is the most like you, sweet, bubbly but with a mind of her own. I also thought that you're friendly and have a positive attitude towards life.

It must be hard being the trail blazer in your family, especially in a foreign country, you have my respect for that.

Do you right stories in French or any language other than English?


Yep! Sometimes it's really hard to the eldest among everyone in a foreign country!
Thanks for your lovely words dear!

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