Kiss and rape

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Harry's POV:

I went back to our room that we shared and grabbed my motorcycle keys and the two helmets and rushed off to meet her in the garage where my bike was.

I hopped on the bike as she fixes her jacket which was one of the cool jean jackets as I was wearing one to. She looked at me and swung her leg over the motorcycle and wrapped her arms around my torso as I put my helmet on. After I finished putting my helmet on I handed her her own helmet and sped off to school.

<•~Hazels POV~•>

We arrived at the school and parked as we got many stares from people. Our little jock bad ass group came up to us as my best friend pulled in next to us on her motorcycle and took her helmet off and motioned to mine. I took my helmet off and put it on the handle bars and hugged my BFF Kara. She hugged me back and then the bell rang signalling us to head to home room class. We walked inside and I took my schedule out of my pocket and looked it over.

<•~Skip to lunch~•>

So far I have all of my classes with Harry, yay! "Hey there is some guy eying you, how about the hall?" Louis whispered in my ear and I agreed.

<•~Louis POV~•>

When we were out in the hallway we watched for the guy and I started pushing her against the wall when he came out of the cafeteria doors. Her back was against the wall and my front was pressed up against her front and she lifted her leg up so that her thigh was against my hip and her lower leg dangling there behind my butt. Just for good measure I moaned into our kiss and hoped that the guy would back away from her.

He just stood there watching us so I took it another step forward and grabbed her butt signalling her to jump up and she did and wrapped her legs around my hips and I pushed her into the wall causing her to moan lightly. "Hey get off of her right now!" the teen yelled at me. "I can turn you in for raping young girls." he added to his sentence. "It's not rape if I like it, and honey I'm not a little kid, I can take care of myself, and he does not have to get off of me if he does not want to!" Hazel yelled at him while unwrapping her legs from my waist and walking towards him with a glare in her eyes. He started to walk towards her also and when they were close enough to touch our little bad ass punk group crowded out of the doors of the cafeteria. Our bad group consisted of

Me, Kara Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Rory Malik, Liam Payne, Elizabeth Payne, Niall Horan, Veronica Horan, Michael Clifford, Lacey Clifford, Harry Styles and Hazel Styles.

Niall went back inside the cafeteria and people started to crowd the hallways and the doorways to see what is going to happen next.

"By the way my name is Kale." He told her. "Tell someone that actually cares about you!" Hazel sneered at him and he looked shocked for a minute before he pushed her against the wall. Kale started to kiss her as she started squirming. He grabbed her jacket and pulled it of her shoulders and ripped the buttons of her shirt open so that everyone had a nice view of her chest and black bra. I started to get mad that he was trying to turn her on. He messed with her hair and man no one had to be told that she is mad and uncomfortable because she started to scream when he kissed her neck and sucked on it. She pulled on his hair to try to get him off of her but she was not doing enough. When he started moving down farther towards her chest she started kicking at him. She kicked him somewhere in the lower region and he stopped kissing her neck and groaned in pain. Hazel pushed him off of her and his back hit the wall and he stood up and he was mad. Without warning the Kale punched her in the face and she collapsed on the cold hard floor as everyone gasped at his sudden mad outburst.


Hope you like this chapter!¡

<•~Lizz Irwin~•>. <333


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