Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Finnick Pov.

An interviewer and a camera crew comes barging in the door. Annie is in the final eight so they are going to interview her family and friends. Of course they're here to interview me.

"Hello Finnick!" the interviewer says in the happy Capital accent.

"Hi." I say emotionlessly.

"So what do you think of Annie in the arena?" the interviewer asks.

"I think that she's doing great. I'm so proud of her." I say happily.

"Are you going to send her any more sponsors?" the interviewer asks.

"Yea, I just sent one before you got here actually." I tell her.

"And one more question, what are you going to do if she makes it back?" she asks her last question.

"I'm going to go back to four with her and try to enjoy the rest of our lives normally together." I answer her.

She nods her head. "Thank you for your time Mr. Odair." She walks out of the apartment and I go back to watching the games.


Annie Pov.

Mick and I walk to start hunting for some food even though we have enough. Another canon goes off, six left. I catch another rabbit, and Mick gets two more birds with his spear. Another parachute comes down from the sky. I let it fall in my hands. I open it and there's a note and a small fishing rod and a fishing hook. The note says 'You're almost there -Finnick'

I smile and Mick looks at it.

"I don't think he wants me to go home." Mick says before laughing.

I laugh a little because I know that he's right. If Mick went home instead of me, Finnick would be furious. He's already jealous, if Mick went home, Finnick would probably kill him.

We get to a meadow and look around for some food. Mick and I sit down in the middle and take a break. His eyes get big. Before I can ask, the girl from two runs with her axe, and removes his head.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now