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12 years later

"Hey apparently that Hunter Test thing is on..." Shalnark murmured as he climbed up onto a rock to settle on.

"Oh yeah! It sounds fun, hey, Chrollo can I go do it?" I asked as most of the rooms inhabitants looked up at me, "C'mon, I'm 21 and I think a Hunters Badge would be handy for some jobs, don't ya think?"

Chrollo glanced up at me from one of his books, "If you think you won't die go on ahead."

I grinned, "Cheers, bye!"

Paku sighed, "She's too ambitious for her own good."

A few laughed in response.

Feitan grunted, "She'll live."


I grinned in triumph as I collected a small white round badge from a talking green coloured bean. It had 43 stamped on it. Huh, guess I got here early.

"Hey, you new?" A chubby brown haired man walked up to me carrying a strap bag on his waist, it had...drinks in it? What? This guy is weird, who has that many drinks? Like I know Ubogin likes his meat and eats a lot but that many drinks has got to give you diabetes or something.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked smiling sweetly while inside I was retching, he looks like he cheated Death one too many times. I suppressed a giggle at my morbid thoughts.

"Been here 26 times!" He stated it like he was boasting about winning a gold medal for the ninth time in a row. "Ah, how rude of me, I'm Topa nice to meet you." He extended his hand for me to shake.

I smiled, "I'm Shokura." I didn't even make a move to touch his hand, It was so fat and chubby, ewww.

He smiled as best he could seeing I wasn't going to go out of my way to say hello. "Here have a drink, see it as a good luck charm, my lady." He quickly shoved a drink into my hands, bowed and scurried off somewhere else probably to annoy someone else.

"How are you my little domino? ♡" A familiar voice chuckled behind me, Hisoka.

I turned around and glanced at his number 44, huh, a coincidence? Haha probably not. "Hey Four, how are you?"

He smiled his perverted smiled at me, "Quit doing that will ya? It's disturbing."

He chuckled, "Ah, sorry but I can't help but wonder," A look that promised death took over his face. "Who gave you that drink?"

I looked down at the orange papered can and held it out to him. "Here you can have it if you want it so bad, though that c-chubby guy is handing them out." I stuttered as I thought of his grubby hands, eww.

Hisoka raised a red-pink eyebrow. "What did he do?"

I shook my head. "Nah it's just he wanted me to shake his hand....ewww."

"Did you?"

I stared at him in dramatic disbelief and shock. "Of course not!" I hissed. "Why in the world of stupid mortals would I shake his hand when I could be shaking various kings' hands, sealing contacts of Death for some poor soul!?" I chuckled at the end. "Wow, my humour really is bad isn't it."

Hisoka nodded, "Yes, it is, can I have that drink?"

"Sure~!" I tossed him the drink and he grinned evilly, "I'm just going to give this back!"

He ran off.

I smiled, "Suree."


I've been here for a few hours and already I'm bored stiff, I've played a few pranks with Hisoka, played cards, played Black Jack, placed bets on what they next mortal would look like the substitute for money was candy bars of all sorts, chocolate, lollipops, candy and other random things.

The lift door open for what must've been the hundredth time that day and a white haired kid stepped out of the dammed lift.

Hisoka perked up, "Isn't that that Zoldyck Assassin kid?" I muttered.

Hisoka nodded, "I know his older brother, Illumi, apparently dear Lillian stabbed his mommy and that chubby brother of his before running away."

I laughed, "God for him, I've always hated that woman's hair, and th-that fat boy." I shivered at the mention of the chubby boy. See he started this whole I'm scared of really chubby people because one day the Spiders and Zoldycks met each other and Chrollo made the Granddad angry and we ended up fighting, well I was fighting the chubby one and he NEARLY SQUISHED ME!! I've been scared of chubbiness ever since.

"I think I'll go say hi, see if he recognises me, if not I'll play the 'lets be friends' thing. See ya later!" I smiled as I jumped up and started randomly walking towards the white haired kid but the chubby-shiver- guy got there first.

Stay alive for the next update!!!

A Kawii Spider (Hunter x Hunter Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon