Its just work

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"Hey Rach" he gestures for me to follow him. He is using his nickname for me again. That must mean we, I mean I am getting closer to winning him back. "Kurt will be home but that's alright because he just wants to organise his wardrobe by colour" I couldn't help but giggle at that fact.

"He doesn't want it by label anymore?" I ask making him laugh jut as we reach his truck. "Come on, let's go" he said still smiling like a child at Disney land.

Once we arrived he was so chivalrous by opening my door for me and offering to carry my bags even though it was about 3 steps away (6 in my case). After we had settled on the carpet with drinks and colour coordinated sticky notes, because seriously when don't you need a sticky note. We began talking about just random things as if everything before never happened and it was nice well more than nice. "Do you think we could take a break?" Finn asks after around 2 hours of working and I couldn't help but smile at him but then I realise do should answer as he was starting to give me a funny look. "of course, of course" I say quickly not knowing how long I stared at him like a lost puppy. "do you want anything" he asks as I follow him into the Kitchen, I shake my head and then remember that he can't see me so I reply with a simple 'no'.

"I'm glad we're still friends Rachel" he says quietly turning to me and instantly notice the new rosy pink tinge to his usually pale cheeks. Is he blushing?

If it's possible my smile gets wider and he soon is smiling too and to be honest it's getting quite creepy but we are soon laughing at ourselves.

"We should um get back to work" I whisper as he steps towards me. He keeps moving closer.

Our faces are inches apart. I want to kiss him, I do. I just want to continue living afterwards. "It's just work" I murmur flicking my eyes up to his. "It's just work"he repeats with such quietness and gentleness it's almost silent. Almost-

"Honey I'm home. You wouldn't believe how busy the shops get on a week day, honestly" Its Carole. He steps back and we both involuntarily sigh before I decide I should make my exit to make it easier on the both of us.

"I should be going" I say quietly going back to grab my bag. "Would you mind dropping me off" I say louder this time so I don't seem feeble. He just nods and soon we are on that awkward journey to my house. He breaks he silence I was so happy with. "About before-" I cut him off knowing even he didn't know where that was heading "It was nothing". I think I just made myself want to cry and even Finn looks like he wants to cry too.

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