Doc. Masa💨🖖🏼: Did you knock!?
Doc. Masa💨🖖🏼: I didn't hear a knock!!
Me: I'm about to knock now...

Knocking on the door, I heard Masami yell for Makoto to open the door. "You're right there and you couldn't open the door?" Makoto unlocked the door as Masami said "I'm eating chips..." As she opened the door, she was looking behind her then looked at me. First she had a confused expression, then a crazy one, then surprised, "Yūki!" she hugged me. "Hey beautiful, did you miss me" I asked kissing her forehead, she looked up at me with a 'I didn't get anytime to miss you' look. Song had invited me inside while Makoto said I should go and rest, then there was Masami, "Naga!" (Get out)

"I'm glad you're back, three months is to long" Makoto said, while looking at some pictures I took of the places I went, with Song, when Masami said "Two months as strangers, two months as friends, and one month as a couple" she looked at me and snarled, "Its about time you got a girl. I don't want you coming over talking about your bored or lonely when Makoto's here!" "What if she's at work or out of town?" "Go with her..."

I looked at the time and saw that I had an hour an thirty minutes before my last stage for the tour, so I started making my way to my apartment. Makoto walked me to the door, "I thought you was done?" "Not yet baby girl, I have one more stage then I'm done" I kissed her on the cheek and looked at her, Song, and Masami. Looking back at Makoto, I asked "Wanna come see it?" She smiled and nodded, "Alright. Song, Masami start getting yourselves together, we're going out for a few hours." Song got up and went straight to the bathroom and started the shower while Masami told me to be ready when it's time to go. "I'll see you in an hour then" I kissed Makoto again but on the lips this time, "unless you wanna come over and join me in the shower." Her face turned red quick as she pushed me out, "I'll see you in an hour" then she closed the door.

¤An Hour Later At A Club¤

Me, Nafla and Loota was sitting in the VIP area waiting for the girls to show up. Chilling and enjoying the music, I spotted a certain caramel haired girl coming in the club, I couldn't get a full glimpse of her outfit, but from what I saw looked nice. "They're here, I'll go get them" I told the guys as I was getting up until Loota pushed me back down, "I'll go get them while you stay here. Knowing you, you'll probably end up face deep into that sexy piece that lives with Masami and reveal the people here that your dating" he said then walked off. He was right though, Makoto said that we should wait until we're further into the relationship before telling our fans. She wants to wait because she claims that I'm every 'sexual' when I'm around her, but if I had it my way, the whole world would know that she's mine and mine only.

Loota came back with Song, Masami, Rai and Makoto. "Look who decided to actually join us for an outting" Loota threw his arm around Rai's shoulders and started towards a seat followed by the girls. As they was sitting down, I stared at Makoto's outfit. She was wearing dark blue booty shorts, a black and white Vicious 10 crop top with black booty heels. I bit my bottom to keep myself contained from taking the rest of clothing that she had was wearing off. 'Damn' I thought as the little bit of ass cheeks that was showing jiggled as she walked.

My phone vibrated from a text message, it was from Makoto:

Beautiful Baby Girl 😍💍: Keep staring and Masami's gonna say something 😂😂
Me: I wouldn't be staring so hard if you wasn't wearing such revealing clothing 😁
Beautiful Baby Girl 😍💍: I was going to wear dress, but it was very short and showed much more
Me: Pants?
Beautiful Baby Girl 😍💍: Didn't want to wear any
Beautiful Baby Girl 😍💍: If you don't like my outfit then just say, I'll go back home and change, although I picked out my outfit with you in mind 😉😉

I felt myself getting hard at the fact that she's showing a side that no one has seen before except for the guys she didn't and I was loving.

Me: Getting laid? 😉
Beautiful Baby Girl 😍💍: Hahaha nope 😉😉

"Well damn..." I chuckled to myself as Masami said "Let's go get some drinks." Masami and the girls got up and went to get some drinks.

Tonight would happen to be the first time I've actually come out to a club with Makoto and I was worried that someone might try to hit on her. Yeah guys hit on her before we even started dating and witnessing some of them hit on her really pissed me off.

"Get off of me!" I heard Masami yell at someone and got really worried. I was about to go to the bar when Masami came back with Keith Ape following behind her, "Ah come on Masami, you're barely wearing any clothes. If I hang around you, we don't have to worry about you getting taken away by some assho--" Masami turned around and grabbed Keith up by the collar of his shirt, "Keep harassing me like this and your going to be in the same boat as all them other assholes" she smiled at him then shoved him away from her.

The Business Woman & The Rapper (Hiatus)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora