Kam'ron Sanders

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School was over and I was happy as hell for it to be over and done with because today was basic and I had homework to do and I wanted to get it over and done with.

Anyways, I made my way over towards my locker then opened it as I switched out my books then grabbed the ones I needed then slipped them inside my MCM bag.

While in the midst of doing that I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist causing me to turn around expecting to see my baby Roe only to see Natalie instantly causing me to roll my eyes,

"Yo, get your arms from around me jo you know we don't rock like that" I say to her as I removed her arms from around my waist then grabbed the rest of my stuff then slammed it shut.

"Why, you gotta be like that papi?" She says to me as I turned around then faced her as she had this smirk planted on her face.

"Because Natalie we don't rock like that I already told you what's good so accept it and keep it pushing" I say to her as I took in a deep breath then ran my hands over my face.

"Well, I like you Kam and I think you should give me a shot" she says to mr instantly causing me to roll my eyes.

"Naw, I'm cool off that plus I got my baby Roe so I'm good" I simply state as she smacked her lips.

"What's so special about her anyways plus didn't ya'll used to fuck with each other every day causing each other names and shit?" She asked me as she tried to wrap her arms around me yet once again.

"Look, why the fuck do it matter to you and why the fuck are you all up in my face?" I say to her as I was instantly getting annoyed.

"Because I told you why papi I want you and I'mma get what I want on the real" she says to me causing me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you can keep wishing cause it's not about to happen on the real" I say to her as I pushed past her then made my way towards the restroom to handle my business.

After I took a piss I washed my hands then dried my hands when I heard someone coming into the bathroom I peeped around the corner to see Natalie causing me to roll my eyes as I shook my head then brushed past her only for her to push me back up against the wall.

"I told you I'mma get what I want and that's you so why you acting hard right now you know you want me" she says to me as she placed my hands on her waist.

"Look, Natalie I got a woman I'm not about to fuck with you on that level get it through your head that I don't want you alright" I sternly say to her as I removed my hands from around her waist.

"Fuck your girl she ain't me now give me what I want and I'll think about not telling her that we fucked" she says to me as she ran her hands up and down my chest.

"Look, Natalie gone the fuck on somewhere and don't even think about fucking with my girl or you're going to regret it" I say to her giving her ass a stern look.

"And if I do fuck with her what exactly are you going to do huh papi?" She asked me as she ran her hands over my chest once more.

"Don't worry about all that just know muthafuckas won't recognize you when I'm done" I say to her giving her a death look as she looked at me with shock planted on her face.

"You wouldn't dare lay one finger on me Kam" she says to me with a smirk planted on her face.

"Try me bitch!" I say pushing her the hell off me then storming out of the bathroom as I made my way over towards my woman and Imari.

"Hey baby" Roe said to me as she planted a kiss on my lips.

"What's good baby?" I say to her as I pecked her back on the lips.

"What's wrong baby you look so annoyed talk to me?" She asked me as I ran my hands over my face.

"It's nothing baby I'll be alright" I simply state hoping she wouldn't ask me again.

"Nope, bullshit what's wrong papi?" She asked me causing me to sigh as I looked at her.

"Natalie, came over to where I was and tried to push herself up on me I told her what's good and then I went to go take a piss while in the midst of me getting ready to leave out she came in there and pushed me up against the wall and tried to push herself up on me yet once again."  I say to her as I could see anger form upon her face.

"The fuck you mean papi?" She says to me as she looked at me with that same look on her face.

"Like what I said mami she tried to push herself up on me and I told her about herself and then told her to leave me the fuck alone and leave you alone as well cause she said if I didn't give her what she wanted she was going to tell you that me and her were fucking" I say to her as she sucked her teeth.

"Where this bitch at now?" She says to me causing me to look at her as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know mami but she's not worth it let's just go grab us something to eat then head home" I say to her trying to forget about the whole thing.

"Naw, fuck that where the fuck is this bitch at now?" She says to me as she was now pulling her hair up into a bun.

"Baby, forget about it" I say to her trying to plead with her to forget about the whole thing.

"Nope, this hoe wanna be starting shit I got something for that ass" she says to me as her and Imari disappeared down the hall causing me to sigh as I rolled my eyes then followed in behind them as I had a million and one things floating through my head hoping that she wouldn't do nothing stupid on the real.

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