Finding Out

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Brianna Damari Amour Breeding

I just got to school and I'm on my way to my first class with my best friend, Angelique, but Angie for short. When we got to our first class, we just sat there and talked until the teacher came in and told us what we needed to do for today and then let us go off on our own for the rest if the period.

All of my morning classes went by pretty fast and soon I was in science, which is my class right before lunch. Halfway through my science class, I got called down to the office. When I walked in there, there was a police officer waiting with a sad look on his face.

Me-Um what's going on.
Cop-I'm sorry but your father died this morning. He was in a car crash involving a drunk driver. U are being sent to live with your mother in Atlanta.

All I could think was why. Why did he have to go? And now all of a sudden my mother wants to be a part of my life. Wow. What great parenting, coming into my life 16 years later. When she should have been here from day 1. I go back to my classroom and sit next to Angie. I look at her and break down in tears.

Me-He's gone, I said while crying really hard.
Angie- Who's gone best friend?
Me-My dad, he died this morning in a car crash and now I have to move to Atlanta with my mom.

That's when she broke down crying with me. We eventually stopped crying and continued to work I was leaving tomorrow so I had to go home and pack up all of my things tonight.

Me-Angie can u come over tonight I have to leave tomorrow and I want to spend some time with u before I go to Atlanta.
Angie-Aight boo I will u know I gotta be there for my best friend.
3 Hours Later

School was finally over and me and Angie went to my house. Once we got there, we packed up everything in bout 4 hours and after that we got ready to watch movies and order pizza.

That's when my phone rang. It was am unknown number and normally I wouldn't answer but I did anyway.
Woman-Hi is this Brianna
Me-Yes who is this?
Her-Im Annaliese, your mother.
Me-Why do you want to be in my life now. U walked out on me when I was just a few months.
Her-That never happened. Is that what your father told u?
Me-Yeah he said that u didn't want me so u just left me.
Her- That didn't happen. When u were 1 your father and I got a divorce and he paid the judge so that he could get full custody of u.
Me-Ohh well do I have any more siblings.
Mom-Yes actually u have 5 older brothers but you'll see them when u get here tomorrow. I love u.
Me-I love u too mom.

Wow. I can't believe my dad lied to me about that. And I have 5 older brothers. Well I bet that they're overprotective. Gosh, what am I going to so with 5 older overprotective brothers?
Chapter 2 will be up soon

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