Mean Words...In Past......

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" Die In Hell! " " Ugly! " No One Likes You! " " No One Will Love You! " EveryOne HATES You! "
" Demon! " Monster! " " Talk About A CryBaby! " " You CAN'T Do AnyThing Right! " " Bitch "
" You Should Die In Hell Your No Angel Your A Demon! " All My Life I Was Bullied Never Had Friends In Real Life But When I Came In This App I Found Friends That I Can Trust I Will Always ProTect Them Even If It's The Last Thing I Do I Love My Friends Like Family But When The Past Bites Back I Hear All Those Mean Words Come Back All Over Again And Again That's Why I Don't Want To Be Alone Not AnyMore Not AnyOne Else I Won't Let My Friends Down I Won't Let Them Suffer My Pain I'll Make Sure That They Don't Suffer Like Me.......... ~ Little Seto Or Blue 💙

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