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Have you ever felt dizzy?

Whether you were struck in the

head, or gravely ill.

Things don't just go dark, and

you don't just see stars.

Your head feels like it is on a never

ending rollercoaster.

Flipping and twisting.

If you never have, just close your

eyes and roll your head.

If you continue to do this over again,

then you get the feeling of

uneasiness and nauseousness.

When I think of this, my mind goes

to the thing people say about


Nightmares are for sleep, when your

eyes are closed.

When you opened your eyes after

making yourself dizzy, did you not

feel better?

Like the world was right again?

What happens when the nightmares

that chase you in your dreams, are

not merely in your own head.

They are real and no matter how

many times you blink, they never

cease to leave.

Your eyes are open.

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