"Um... thanks, I guess...?" I replied rudely.

     I watched as she scoffed out loud her smile turning into a deadly glare and scowl.

     "You are not a young lady what so ever how rude!" She screeched out.

     "Nopppee." I replied back popping the p.

     The old looking woman coughed out trying to cover up her voice as she continued to send deadly glares towards me sending chills up and down my spine.,

     Oooo grandmas angry whatever will I do?

    "Well anyway, tally ho follow me princess's hunt." The woman replied.

    She scurried her way towards a beautiful black limousine clutching onto a clipboard. The woman was petite small thin but looked to be in her 50's or maybe even 60's.

    She was wearing one of those ugly and frilly pink skirts you often see secretary wearing a matching shirt and an outrageously ugly scarf.

    I nodded my head following her towards the limousine opening the door and hoped in.

    Another scoff and gasp escaped the ladies mouth as she looked at me in horror. She should stop scowling she will only look older.

    "A lady never ever opens a door for herself!"

     "And I care why...?" I questioned.

    She gave me another scowl and crossed her arms over her chest as she sat next to me in the seat outback taking out her clipboard.

    "Butler grab this ladies bags please." She asked.

    "Yes ma'am" A 30-year-old man replied wearing a fancy butler suit. He walked up towards me grabbing the bag from my grasp.

     I tried to pull the bag from him glaring at him as if saying to back the f off its mine but sadly did not win.

    It's not the fact that I was not strong enough it was simply that miss lady smacked my head with her clipboard momentarily distracting me.

    "Never decline a man's offer to assist!" She scolded.

    I rolled my eyes at her as I tried to scoot away as far as I possibly could from this psycho miss lady and her preppiness.

    She only scooted towards me closer and closer until there was no more room for me to escape a sigh of annoyance escaped my lips as I sat down slouching backwards.

    "A lady never slouches sit up tall back straight chin up!" She demanded.

     "And how about no?"

    Instead of saying anything she just glared at me scribbling something on the clipboard probably on how rude I was, good.

    "Now for some questions." She replied almost cheerfully.

    "Oh joy," I replied sarcastically.

    The car started and we began to drive off into the busy London streets.

     There was that small glint of excitement in my eyes at the thought of actually being in a limousine. Yes, have been in one before but never in London, I have never even been to London!

    "Full name please."

     "Don't you already know after all you already called me princess hunt"

     "I don't care give me your name."

     I didn't reply I just looked at her while glaring I am not going to talk to this old fart who the hell does she think she is?

     "Tell me your name right now!"She yelled out in annoyance.

     "Kiara hunt"

     "Mmmm I see.." she nodded her head as she looked down at her clipboard jotting things down with her pen glancing up at me every now and then.

    "What is your age?"


     "Weight and height?"

    "Is that really relevant miss lady its none of your business?"

    "Of course it is for dress and uniform fitting of course!"

    "Oh great, I can't wait..."

    "And my name Miss Cordelia not miss lady."

     "Like the flower?" I replied trying not to laugh out because that would be very un lady like.

     "Yes like the flower now tell me your weight and height now!" She snapped.

     "Ok fine jeez my height is 5'3 and weight is 123 pounds," I mumbled softly.

     "Old hag," I mumbled out under my breath.

     "What did you say?" 

     "Nothing, nothing at all."


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