He's Jealous -All Of One Direction

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LIAM: Wiping the sweat from his brow, Liam takes a swig from his water bottle and moves on to the next machine in his regimen. He'd been at the gym all morning, trying to work off his frustration and anger. He'd been feeling nothing but that in the two weeks since you and he had ended things. About to get on the leg press machine, he stops dead in his tracks, staring at your running figure on the treadmill. He's behind you, thinking you won't see him - it doesn't occur to him that the mirrors would give away his gawking. You yank your earbuds off and stop the machine, turning around to face him. "What are you doing here?" you press. "I, uh...What are you doing here? Since when do you go to the gym?" You fold your arms over your chest. "Answer my question, Liam. I know that this isn't your gym, so why are you here?" "I thought a change in surroundings might help me..." he trails off, not wanting to finish his sentence with "get over you." You open your mouth to say something, but before you get the chance, a big brawny guy is coming over to you, asking, "Is this perv bothering you, babe? Want me to get rid of him for you?" "No, no, it's fine. We know each other... Actually, if you don't mind, I need to talk to him in private for a minute." The guy nods and kisses your temple quickly before retreating to the weights area. "Seriously? So you're here because you're with a meathead now? We've only been broken up for two weeks, how could you have a new boyfriend already?" "It's not like that," you mumble. "What's it like then?" he interrogates, obviously upset and angered by the situation he's been faced with. "We're just sort of casually seeing each other right now. He's really into going to the gym, so I thought I'd try it too." "You never came to the gym with me. Ever. You are not the gym type, [Y/N]!" "Don't tell me what kind of person I am, Liam!" "You're pretending to be something you're not; you aren't being honest with him!" "Look, I could do without the lecture, ok? We aren't together anymore, you have no input in anything I do. Got that?" You turn to storm off in the direction that your date had gone, but Liam's voice pierces through you and causes you to stop abruptly. "I still love you, [Y/N]." You take a moment to compose yourself. You hadn't even realized until he'd just said it, how badly you'd been waiting to hear those words come out of his mouth for the last couple of weeks. You slowly turn around to face him once more. "Liam..." "You don't have to say anything. I just needed to get that off my chest. I miss you, and I just want you to know that." You run a hand through your sweaty, disheveled ponytail. "I still love you too," you whisper, not making eye contact with him. A smile spreads across his face, that being enough for him for now. "You get back to that guy, finish your workout, and I'll call you tonight. We need to talk about all this." You nod in agreement, feeling excitement bubble up inside you at the thought of getting Liam back again.

HARRY: Harry enters his hotel room to find his four friends sitting around in a semi-circle, awaiting his return. "Ummm..." Harry says, slowing his pace upon realizing all four pairs of eyes are on him. "We've staged an intervention, Harry. We're here to help you," Louis states. "What do you mean?" Harry questions, dropping his wallet onto the coffee table and taking a seat on the couch next to Niall. "We know this breakup has been tough on you, especially since everything for tour was going on just as it all happened," Liam starts. Harry nods, thinking back three months when the massive argument occurred that resulted in you walking out once and for all. Yes, Harry had been upset, but with all of the last minute tour rehearsals going on, he hadn't even had time to let it hit him that this was more than just one of your usual battles. By the time it had hit him, he was already on foreign soil, there to remain for the next two months. "We're flying in tomorrow. As soon as we land, you're gonna call her and get her to talk to you. You have to at least try to mend this," Zayn instructs. Harry nods in agreement, now beginning to get hopeful that after spending the last few months apart, perhaps things have settled down and you can start fresh. Things progress as usual that evening. The boys perform a killer final show to wrap up the tour, and by the following morning, Harry is beside himself in anxiety as they wait for their flight in the airport. He takes a deep breath, swiping his sweaty palms against the jean fabric on his thighs. "Don't be so nervous, I'm sure things will go better than you think they will," Niall reassures his friend. Harry nods and exhales a shaky, uneasy breath. The flight seems to take forever before they have finally landed and Harry can focus on getting in touch with you again. At the baggage claim, he goes to reach for a bag before realizing it isn't his. His hand brushes one of a girl with painted pink fingernails. "Oh, sorry, my mistake," he mutters, glancing up at the woman. His breath catches in his throat upon laying eyes on you. "Where are you getting in from?" he asks uncomfortably, not knowing what else to say. "My friends and I took a girl's trip to Australia," you answer simply, not bothering to return the question because you know his tour was scheduled to end around now. Harry nods as a man approaches from behind you, taking your bag from your hand and giving you a kiss to the cheek. "Hey, baby! How was your trip?" A smile spreads across your face as you respond. You turn to leave with him as you call a quick "bye" over your shoulder to Harry. Harry is frozen in place, unable to process what had just happened. Having seen it all, Louis makes his way over to his friend. "You can't just let that happen; you have to fight for her." "It's too late...and she looks happy," Harry sulks. "It's never too late. And tomorrow, you're calling her," Louis orders firmly, finally convincing Harry to at least give it a shot.

LOUIS: Hard as he try, Louis can't seem to shake his feelings for you, despite being broken up for nearly six months now. Having had enough of the torment, he finally musters up enough courage to go over to your house and settle things once and for all. He pulls into your driveway and spots an unfamiliar car, one he assumes to belong to a friend of yours. "Great, I didn't think about having an audience for this..." he mumbles to himself. He shifts gears into reverse and is about to leave but decides against it. "It's now or never. Who cares who might be around..." He gets out of the car and walks up to the front door, ringing the doorbell and waiting for an eternity for it to open. When it does, he's faced with an unfamiliar man. "What can I do for ya?" he greets amicably. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for [Y/N] but she must not live here anymore..." Louis trails off, about to step off the porch. "No, no, she's here. She's just in the kitchen, mixing up some cookies. Come on in." Louis accepts the invitation and enters the house. "Babe? There's someone here to see you," the man calls into the other room. Babe?? Louis thinks uneasily. "Just a sec," you call back cheerily. "Let me just get these into the oven." After a moment, you appear in the living room, wiping your hands on your apron. Your face falls when you see that it's Louis. "What are you doing here?" you question, surprised. "I uh," he eyes your boyfriend tensely, "I just needed to talk to you..." he trails off. You give a look to your boyfriend, who takes the hint to leave the room so you two can talk privately. "So he would be your..." "Boyfriend," you state firmly. Louis nods his head, looking towards the floor. It was one thing to assume, it was another thing to have it confirmed. His heart cracks as he opens his mouth to speak again, "So I guess that means we are really over then." "Louis, we were really over six months ago..." He runs a hand through his hair, sucking in a deep breath. "I miss you, [Y/N]. I can't sleep, I don't eat. I sit around like a bum. I need you in my life..." Your features soften at this. "Lou...I can't do this right now..." you whisper. He places his hands on your shoulders, a bold move, he knows. You don't even try to tug away and he takes that as his cue to continue. "I still love you. I never stopped." You gaze into his eyes, nodding slightly. He knows you well enough to know that you still feel the same way. You finally pull away and lock your eyes on the floor. "I can't do this right now, Lou. We'll have to talk about it later..." Louis nods. "I'll call you then," he affirms, but you stand stoic. He exits the house and gets back in the car; all the while, you never move from your spot in the living room.

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