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"You don't seem to get it do you?" I asked him, my brother, in pure anger.

"What? Explain to me what happened Lou" he replied while trying to keep calm, it was quite cute. He was like a volcano trying to hide after shooting lava everywhere.

"You can't even see it, can you? You've changed more than I thought" I told him before storming out of the house, my skateboard and bag in my hand as usual. This was my life.

When I finally came to the building that I once called my school I dropped my bag on the ground. I took my skateboard in one hand and let it stand against the wall before I opened my bag and pulled out the graffiti. This was one of the reason to Harry's and mines fight. He didn't like that I got arrested, or that I did mischiefs all night. Well, no one really got it though. No one gets it.

When I had painted the walls with the texts "No one will ever understand" in such an abstract style so no one would be able to read it I sat down by the wall. Harry had been home for two weeks this time and even though they tried to be sneaky I heard that they were planning on letting him take me to London and see if an new environment would help my rebellious way. I therefore planned on running away before we had to leave, but we were on an island so where was I going to run?

Excuse me, so long without an introduction. Who am I kidding? I don't really care. But if you really wanna know, my name is Louise and I grew up on an island quite near france even though it isn't actually French. This island is called Guernsey and that's also where I live now together with both my parents and my two younger siblings Rose and Josh.

I also have another brother called Harry, he is my twin sadly. He moved to London a few years ago and much has changed since then, I have changed more than anything. You see, I was the island sweet heart. Miss innocent. I did nothing wrong, me and Harry was also close back then. We always hanged out, he was my best friend, my only friend. Then this whole youtube thing started and he moved to London. The rest is history.

You've probably heard about him, Wroetoshaw or Harry Lewis, but you never heard about me. That's because I distanced myself from them all after me and Harry lost contact. I live with my family but I'm only home when I sleep or if someone stops me on my way out. I hate it there, I hate that everyone always have such high expectations. I'm not my brother.

That's probably why I turned out the way I am, I was tired of being miss perfect. Therefore I'm now miss rebel. The one no one want's to be around at the same time everyone want's to be around me. I'm still as popular, also people are afraid of me. So I suppose everything is just perfect, or something like that...

After sitting there for god knows how long I heard how the police was coming for me. So what did I do? I stood up and threw a rock at the window closest to me. If I'm going to get caught, I'll make it bad for me. If I'm going to get in trouble for something, I better make it big time. That's why I fought the officers that tried to arrest me all the time. I didn't mind being arrested, I was used to it.

When the car finally pulled up by the school two policemen jumped out of the car.
"Louise" the first officer greeted me, yeah I knew the police quite well by now.
"Jeff, Frank" I replied nodding towards them.
"No fighting today please, just let us take you to the station" Frank said and rolled my eyes.
"Try me" I replied and then they came up to arrest me. I fought as good as I could, even managed to get a great hit on Jeff's nose making him bleed, it was probably broken.

When I was at the station I just laid down on the bench in the cell. It was 5 AM after all and I hadn't slept at all yet. I fell asleep quickly and then slept until someone woke me up.
"What do you want?" I groaned and sat up.
"We spoke with your parents" Jeff told me.
"And?" I asked, I didn't really care. My parent's were, well words I won't use.
"You are going to London with your brother. You will be on a house arrest there for a month, then you will stay with your brother for at least a year" Jeff told me and I groaned again.
"Do I have to?" I asked.
"Yes, it will be good for you to get of the island" he replied quickly. "Now let's get going, I'm taking you to the airport" he told me and opened the cell and quickly put handcuffs on me, probably so I couldn't fight him again.

Even though I tried to flee from them I didn't succeed and soon I stood in the airport together with Jeff, my arms still cuffed in front of me. I saw Harry coming towards us in the gate.
"Hi Louise, good day Officer" Harry greeted us when he had reached us.
"Good day Harry" Jeff replied but I just glared at him. Jeff then stood up, ready to leave.
"Jeff, aren't you forgetting something?" I asked meaning my handcuffs.
"Yeah right, Harry. You might want the key to those. Let her out of them whenever you want. But beware, she is a good fighter" Jeff said and handed Harry the key before he left.

Harry sat down beside me, obviously tired because of some reason.
"Harry, could you please set me free?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Not until we are on the plane" Harry replied simply, and as on cue the plane started boarding. Harry led me to the plane and as we sat down he uncuffed me.
"Thank you" I said and put my seat belt on. I didn't like flying that much, I really hated being stuck somewhere.

Harry sat quiet until we were almost ready to land. "So, you should probably know that I live with two guys, both named Callum. Also I have two other guys in the building, Ethan and Tobi, who will be around quite a lot. Then we have the other four who will come sometime when they have time probably. Simon, Josh, JJ and Vikk. All of us are Youtubers" Harry explained. "Just great. I have to stand more than one guy for the next year, and all of you are youtubers" I replied and he sighed. "This year will be what you make it. By the way, the guys don't really know about you yet, so yeah" he told me and I sighed. "Thank's for the heads up" I replied simply. I think this will be the worst year in my life, and when it comes to me that says a lot.   

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