"You've never lost and the boss obviously thinks you'll be okay he likes you Axel he wouldn't damage his goods" he rambled I shook my head

"F-Fine is pay win or lose locked in place?" He nodded "alright but if this meat head goes ham I dropping" he nodded again

"Yeah yeah of course"

We pulled up I clutched my gym bag and walked in boss stepping in front of me immediately "look this guy is called the Hulk I trust you to win and give a good show alright and hey you make it a long fight I'll throw in 5 thousand and my favorite girl"

"Just the 5 I don't need another girl I've got one" he smirked and hit my back

"Whatever you want big guy good good go" he ushered me off I looked back at Dylan making sure he was behind me

"See man I told you he has confidence in you that you'll win" he sat in the bench in the locker room getting my gloves on me

"I dunno man but I'm doing it" I sighed "I want wimp fights again that was easy money" I looked at the door waiting for announcements and right on que

"MEN AMD ESCORTS PLEASE WELCOME TONIGHTS FIGHTERS BARBWIRE AND THE HULK" they started yelling the stats and his over shadowed mine but he had loses and I haven't which gave me a boost

I stepped out going through the crowd I jumped in the ring and Hulk stepped right over the ropes this guy looked like his had balloons under his skin I started to pep talk myself he held up his gloves that were tiny compared to his proportions

The buzz sounded we made eye contact and he smirked and swung I ducked "Don't move little mouse" he had a Russian accent Fuck me the guy is Russian

He swung again I ducked again bouncing on my feet and kept moving avoiding corners he punched low and I couldn't move fast enough he got me in the gut I grunted and doubled he took the chance and punched my head bring me down but I laid there for maybe 3 seconds before rolling away and getting back up

I furrowed my eyebrows watching his stumbled as he turned to hit me again this guy was strong but very clumsy and unstrategized another thing on my side

I realized I thought too long when his glove hit my eye I groaned and hit the ropes I instantly dropped ,the ropes was a death sentence, I rolled off and stood behind him as he turned I punch him right in his jaw he made a loud grunt

He swung I hit his arm twisting his body punching the other side of his face he growled and turned going to kick me I went wide eyed and tried to block but it hit my gut anyway I was on the ropes and he came to fast for me to get away he punched me right in the nose

I held up my forearms and huffed as he started trying to punch around my block I brought up my leg and kicked his side he hunched and I got him in the face

If this were legit boxing this would have been round 1 over and done but there was no stopping until someone hit the floor and stayed there

He stumbled and I kicked again getting his stomach he covered his stomach and I punched his jaw as many times as I could as long as it was vulnerable which was a good 15 punched at least I went wide eyed and something completely unexpected happened

He jumped on me I screamed as I hit the mat being squished by the man-giant I saw the ref start a count "shit" he smirked and put his forearm over my neck trying to choke me out I punched his face over and over I knew I hit the right spot when there was a crack and his went wide eyed

"8...9.." I flipped us over and put him in the same locked position

The count restart but this time finished "10 WINNER IS BAAAAAARBWIRRRRRRE" I heard lots of cheers and screaming I just closed my eyes and fall off the gaints body realizing how much air I wasn't getting I gasped and put my arm over my eyes to keep the bright lights from burning them

"I got you, I got you man" I heard Dylan mumbling and felt my arm being tugged on I groaned and let myself be pulled up "you did great man that was an epic fight" he hit my chest and I hissed "Oo sorry, fuck sorry" he apologized I finally opened my eyes and saw we were heading, to the exit

I got in the car and heard Dylan's door meaning he was in too I pulling down his mirror and saw my swollen eye and bruised face

How would I explain this to Logan I sighed and looked at my phone I saw a text I clicked it and smiled

Baby Doll:hey hope your having a good day where are you?

Sent 22 minutes ago it was already 11:30 I sighed

Me:still at the body shop I'm sorry sweet girl I love you

I clicked my phone off and closed my eyes ready to relax but I smiled and felt my phone vibrate

Baby Doll:wow when did you get to the body shop?


Baby Doll:and your still there? Did you leave or anything that's a long time babe

Me:no baby doll I'm fine it's been a while and I'm going home soon now it's too late for sweet girls to be up

Baby Doll:yes okay

I smiled and put my phone down relaxing we pulled up 20 minutes later I thanked him for the ride and walked in dropping the bag by the door not having the will to deal with it right now I stumbled my way up I rubbed my tired, sore face "mm"

I opened my bedroom door kicking my shoes off I jumped when I turned the light on and there was Logan in my bed arms crossed

"Where were you?"

I stood straight caught off guard I swallowed hard "the body shop..."

She looked unamused "Where Were You?"

Leather And Spikes In LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora