Chapter 9

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MY TWITTER: @love2loveyou101



*Kaya's pov*

Tiffany Myers!! Matt cannot like Tiffany Myers. She's a big bully and she plays all of the guys. When Matt told me who it was my Body froze. I was in shock because who can actually have feelings for her?? She's cold hearted and only cares about herself. I also thought she was going out with Logan Guss. That's  what I heard before I left my school to join the magcon tour with all these guys and the whole point of coming here was to first, Meet everyone but most important, Get away from what troubling me. Tiffany was definitely one of the main troubles that I have. I get up and walk to matt. Standing face to face. Right now im furious. Im also sad, confused, and scared but mostly im furious. I ignore his question from before and ask a couple on my own.

"How can you like Tiffany Myers!?! Don't you know what she does?! Don't you know who she is?! How can you do this to me?" I yell but after I look up and see him startled, I break down into tears. How can he do this to me? Jack comes in for the rescue and snakes his arms around my waist. He starts cradling me, trying to make me calm down. 

"wait, so you do know her?" He ask trying to make things clear.

"Of course I know T-Tiffan_Tiffany!! S-she's a t-total s-sn-snob!" I manage between my sobs.

"But she seems really sweet" Matt protests.

"That's what she wants you to think but then she plays you! Ive seen it with my own eyes Matt, I know what im talking about. For a second Matt looks confused. Then angry and he starts yelling at me.

"You're just jealous because she's way prettier than you, Skinnier than you, And more popular than you!! Stop trying to make up lies! You--" He was soon interrupted by Jack.

*Gilinsky's pov*

"You're just jealous because she's way prettier than you, Skinner than you, And more popular than you! Stop trying to make up lies! You--" I was not going to let him speak to her like that. I jump up.

"Don't Talk to Kayla that way!! Kayla is gorgeous and skinny and in my eyes, The most popular girl in the world. Now how would you like it if I dissed on your girl huh??," Matt looks down." That's rights Now leave us alone you have done enough damage." I spit at him. He goes for the door and turn around and says:

"Im still meeting her" and walks out. Unbelievable! What has gotten into Matt? I look over to Kayla to see her still sitting with her face in her hands. I walk over to her and embrace her. How could he say that to Kayla? She is the most perfect girl I have ever known. I also remember back to when I called her my girl and heat started rising to my cheeks. I don't think she noticed though. I try to calm her down by whispering things into her eyes. Calming things and I tell her every thing that Matt said was wrong. She calms a bit but I can still see the depression in her bright blue eyes.

*Matt's pov*

Kayla is just jealous! How can she say that about Tiffany? Tiffany didn't do anything to her but Kayla has the nerve to say that?!? No! And Jack G coming to the rescue because kayla cant save herself. That's sad if you ask me. I mean why does she hate Tiffany so much. Why did she say all those things about her? Could they be true?......Nah shes just jealous. Yup! That's what she is.

I walk back into my hotel room to see Nash watching Family Guy. He turns his head and see's right through me.

"Dude, You okay?" Worry flashes through his face and he can tell how mad I was right now. I tell him the whole story starting with the line: "Kayla is just jealous!" and I go on from there.

*Kayla's pov*

"Im going to take a shower" I lie. I was going to paint more paintings on my wrist with the blade that I have became addicted to. What Matt said was true. I am ugly, fat, and a loser. Not to mention Tiffany's nick name for m which is "Freak" I start to get up when jack takes my hand and spins m around to fully face him.

"You are not going anywhere kayla." Crap.

"Look Jack, I really need to take a shower." I am so stressed right now.

"Too bad. you took one this morning and I know what you are going to do." He looks at my wrist and the into my eyes. "You are staying with me and watching a movie because I am not letting you out of my sight." He says with worry. I sigh, knowing im not going to win this argument.

"fine" I say and he slowly leads me to the spot next to him so we can cuddle up and watch The Hunger Games. We both admit we watched it way more than one time but we both like it so why not? I lay with my head on his chest and are legs tangled together. His arm rest on my back and I listen to his steady heart beat. I mean, we aren't a couple but I wouldn't mind if we were. I really like Jack but im not sure if he wants a relationship. I drift of to sleep because I got tired from crying so much earlier. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

*Gilinsky's pov*

in the move, im at the part when peeta "teams up" with cato and the rest but I catch a glimpse at kayla to see shes fast asleep. we are so close that I can feel her heartbeat. I would do anything to keep her heart beating. I don't know if she noticed yet but I really like her. I fell hard for her. She is special. Not like any girl but she can hid things easily and it worries me. I just hope that she would trust me and come to me if she needs help. I get tired and my eyes get droopy. I fall asleep with Kayla on me. When im with her, nothing matters. I don't have to worry about the haters. I smile and close my eyes. Darkness takes over.

*Nash's pov*

Matt was finally done with telling me the story I cant believe it. Maybe he is wrong because it doesn't seem like Kayla would make something up like that. I go to Kayla's and Jack's hotel room to hear the other side of the story but when I get there they are cuddled up and asleep. They looked so cute that I couldn't bother them. Ill talk to Kayla about it tomorrow. Right now I think everyone could use some sleep. After all we have Magcon tomorrow as well.

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