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Athena spent the morning with Melinda, helping her with her powers once again

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Athena spent the morning with Melinda, helping her with her powers once again. The young witch had problems with her empath ability once again due to everything that was going on. She was stressed and Athena couldn't blame her, a lot was going on around them.

"Just breathe, love," Athena softly spoke.

Melinda nodded, "Okay." Melinda closed her eyes and took a deep breathe before she opened her eyes, frowning at her sister, "Why are you in pain?"

"I'm not." Athena grimaced as she places a hand on her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Melinda frantically asked.

Athena just smiled as Melinda looked at her like she was crazy, "The babies just kicked."

Melinda grinned, "Seriously?" Athena nodded and took her little sisters hand and placed it on her a stomach. A moment went by before Melinda felt the babies kick herself. "Wow," she spoke in awe. The two quickly wrapped up the session before she made her way back home where she joined her husband and Rosalie on the sofa.

"Give me your hand," she ordered Jasper and Rosalie. They both looked at her confused before they did as she asked. Athena placed their hands on her stomach and a moment later they felt the babies kick.

"Did they just kick?" Rosalie asked. Athena nodded and he blonde squealed in happiness as she hugged the brunette. Athena knew how much the babies already meant to Rosalie and she was glad she could rely on her during the pregnancy.

Jasper stared at her stomach in shock, "Did they seriously just kick?" He still couldn't believe that he was going to be a father. The fact that the babies just kicked, seemed so unreal to him. It was really happening and it terrified him a little the closer they got to the birth of the babies.

"They did. They're surprisingly active," Athena smiled.

"Just like their mother," Jasper smirked.

Athena rolled her eyes, "Shush you." Jasper just laughed as he kissed the top of his wife's head.

Athena had fallen asleep once again but this time she was sucked into a vision:

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Athena had fallen asleep once again but this time she was sucked into a vision:

She found herself looking at two figures under a train track. She knew who they were instantly: Victoria and her sidekick Riley.

Riley's back was faced towards Victoria, "You're not coming with us?"

She moved to face his front, "It will be a last minute decision." Athena knew then that Victoria knew all about Alice's power of premonition and exactly how to get around it. "I told you how it works."

Riley smirks, "The Cullen's have 'powers'."

"Don't underestimate them, Riley. You'll have the numbers but they will be able to anticipate your every move," Victoria states. She wanted her revenge but she wasn't stupid and going up again the Cullen's alone was suicide.

"According to your friend?" Riley asks as his lips hover over Victoria's. Athena knew that they were talking about Laurent as she had seen him in a previous vision and knew that his stay with the Denali's was only a facade and was really working for Victoria.

"Yes, my dead friend," she growls. "Laurent found out about the things that they could do. And they killed him. But not before he told me." She moved away from Riley, keeping her head down.

Riley turned to face her, "Maybe he was wrong? I mean this is suppose to be Cullen territory. We have been tearing it up and I have even seen them here."

"You don't trust me?" Victoria asks sadly. Athena knew that she was playing mind games with Riley and knew that she needed him as she couldn't go up against the Cullen's on her own.

"With my life. I'm just saying-"

"I'm doing this for us. So that we can feed without their retaliation. I can't live in fear anymore, waiting for them to attack."

"I won't let them. I am going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."

Athena woke up with a gasp and Jasper and Rosalie were right by her side, worried about her and the babies.

"What happened?" Rosalie asked as Jasper ran a soothing hand up and down her back. They had no idea what happened in the time they left her alone to nap.

"She's coming," Athena spoke in monotone.



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