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Hanin's Pov

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Hanin's Pov..

I stared at the big mansion in awe

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I stared at the big mansion in awe. You know what? The jerk house is every f**king big. He sure is very rich.

But I snapped out of my thoughts and pressed the doorbell. After a few minutes, a young woman open the door..

"Annyeonghaseyeo.." I bow to her.

"Are you Miss Jeon Hanin?" She asked me, politely.

"Yes, I am.." I replied.

"Please, come in." She said, letting me in.

" She said, letting me in

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Then my jaw's dropped again

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Then my jaw's dropped again. Everything in this house is f**king luxurious! So I get it now! This is why they call him 'The rich kid' in school. But think about it, this is only one of their house in Korea. What about their other house in China?! Ugh, I don't want to think about it! It gave me chills!

"Young master is in his room.. I will lead you." The young woman who opened the door said to me and I nodded.

Then she leads the way and I followed her at the back, still looking around the big mansion.

"We're here.." She said.

"Thank you.." I said and bow to her.

"If you need anything please tell me.." She bow back to me and left.


I knocked on his door for several times but there was no respond. Then, I decided to go in and check up on him.

"Hey, jerk!" I called but his big master bedroom caught my attention again

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"Hey, jerk!" I called but his big master bedroom caught my attention again. This time I quick snapped out of my thoughts cause I got no response from the jerk. I went closer and saw him sleeping peacefully.. He looks like an angel when he sleeps but when he wakes up, he's a total jerk! He's so handsome but I don't like his stupid behavior.

"You started to fall for me right?" He suddenly opened his eyes.

"No way!" I glared at him and look away.

"But why are you staring at my beautiful face then?" He smirked.

"I'm not! Why are you calling me here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Hmm.. I don't feel like going out so I just call you." He said, yawning.

"You're such a big trouble right?!" I asked, angrily.

"I'll pay you back! What did you want?" He asked back.

"I am hungry! I want to eat jajangmyeon.." I said.

"Jajangmyeon! You have 5 minutes and oh yes! Cheese pizza, rice cake and cold drinks!" He ordered, loudly.

And before 3 minutes even passed, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said.

Then, a maid comes in with all the foods he ordered.

"Wow! How come?" I asked in disbelief.

"I am rich.. I can do everything!" He said, proudly.

"This is heaven.." I said while biting a huge piece of pizza.

"Then why don't you marry me in the future?" He asked and I immediately choked on my pizza. How dare he? I'm only made for Jaemin!

"No way! I'm only made for Jaemin oppa.." I said and he frowned. Yes! Only for Jaemin oppa.

"Pabo! I'm better than that trash!" He shouts in anger.

"Tell me why?" I asked, still busy eating the pizza.

"I am handsome, rich and every girl in the school wants to be my girlfriend!" He exclaimed.

"Not me.." I said and look into his eyes.

"You will fall for me.." He said and smirked at me.

"Let's see!" I said, confidently.

"Oka--" before he finish his words, there was a knock on the door.


Come in!" He said.

Then to my surprise, a woman with blonde hair which I bumped into the Café earlier comes in..

"AUNTY?!!" The jerk quickly jolted up from his bed and attacked her with a hug.

"Hi dear, how are you?" She asked and hugged him back.

"Oh, that girl!" She broke the hug and smiled at me. I just smile back at her. Ugh! This is so embarrassing!

"Aunty, you know her?" The jerk asked her in surprise.

"Yes, we met each other a while ago.." She said.

"So, I am Jin Yi Lyn. You look like the same age with Winwin so, just call me Aunty Lyn." She said .

"I'm Jeo--"

"She is Hana! My girlfriend!" I was about to introduce myself but the jerk cuts me off and quickly put his arm around my shoulder.

"No! I'm not.." I glared at him and quickly shoved his arm away.

"Soon to be!" He said, again. I wanna kill him right now!! He didn't even give me a time to introduce myself!

"I get it now.." Aunty Lyn said, chuckling.

"Why are you here anyway?" The jerk asked her.

"Just visiting, I'm going back to Hong Kong soon." She said.


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Mine is Chanyeol and he's also my ultimate bias


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