xv. // where did the party go;

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I don't want to
go home alone
whoah, where did
the party go?

"Remind me again why we're here," Ryan groaned," this place is sketchy

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"Remind me again why we're here," Ryan groaned," this place is sketchy."

"We have to follow Jackson, see if he lead us to his master," Scott answered.

The two werewolves were put in charge of keeping a sharp eye on Jackson. Jackson had left school early and Scott and Ryan followed. They followed him all the way to a sketchy alley where people were buying tickets to an underground rave. The kid Matt, who had been in detention with Ryan and the others, was also buying tickets. He still seemed to be afraid of Jackson. He let him cut him in line.

"Well, I guess I got to get an outfit ready," Ryan said. She wondered what one would wear to a rave

"Matt," Scott whispered," How much are the tickets."

"Seventy-five." Ryan winced.

"Can I borrow some money," Scott asked Matt.

"Sure how much?"

"Seventy five." Matt just rolled his eyes.

Scott turned to the blonde werewolf," You got any money?"

"Scott, I live with Derek Hale."

"Okay, what do we do now."

"You tell me, you're calling the shots. I'm just here to make sure you don't double cross Derek or something."

As Scott tried to think of some solution, Ryan was still watching Jackson. It was his turn on line.

"Scott, look."

The way Jackson moved was so unnatural. He did not speak. He only bought one ticket. The woman that was selling the tickets looked seriously freaked out. So much so that she stopped selling the tickets and left.

"The master has to be controlling him," Ryan stated," We have to go to this rave. We have no idea what he could do with a room full of drugged up people."

"Okay, I have to go to work," Scott said," go back to Derek. Tell him what we saw. Tell him what we need to do."

"You got it."

Scott McCall was locking up the veterinary hospital when Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, and Ryan Bender paid him a visit.

"What's he doing here," Scott motioned towards Isaac.

"I need him," Derek responded.

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