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Put your story text here...I began to interrupt, but he held his hand out to silence me.

"This house is yours. Your room is the one you were in last night. The pictures in the corridor are of you. 'The Change' is a real change. Its supposed to happen when you are 16, but royal families experience the transformation earlier. By change, we mean the change or shape shift. You can now shift from human to wolf or vice versa. Many, more modern people call it 'werewolves' but the legend is not true. Silver bullets can kill ANYONE; not only us. We don't 'infect' people by biting them. That is just another myth the humans make when they are afraid and know that they are less powerful.

"I know you may be angry about this. The only way we could get you to begin the transformation was to fill you with intense emotions- those emotions being anger and pain or extreme lust. We chose anger for you not only for modesty's sake (we must watch the change occur and for some people it's embarrassing) and because you are royal, and your virginity is a big factor in our peoples fate- I will get into that later. There is a lot for you to learn about our people, and we don't have a long time to teach you. So you wont be attending school off the Reservation. Our reservation has a school that's specifically for our kind. You will break off all ties with the outside people. You will live here, go to school here, and find company here."

I didn't let him finish what he was saying. Instead, I ran. I ran up the stairs, went in my room, and collapsed on the floor. After a few minutes, I felt "myself" transform and got up and crawled into "my" bed. This isn't my home, my life. This is someone elses. I cant leave school without saying goodbye to Malachai. I didn't go over his house like I was supposed to- I ditched him and didn't call. 'My phone! I can tell him what happened' I thought to myself. I ran around the room frantically searching for my phone when I finally found it. 1 voicemail. 5 messages. I read all my messages and began to cry.

"Hey Catori- Are you runnin l8? Wutz ^?"

" Umn.. are you still coming? I wanted to watch a movie with yu..."

"Heloooo!!! CATORI!!! Lol... if you don't want to come, then why'd yu say yea?"

"Oh, I just got ur note. Why come all the way here to give me a note instead of just coming?"

"Oh. Well I just read your note. Fine. Bye."

What did he mean he just read "my" note? I pressed "call" and listened to the voicemail. His voice was beautiful even when angry.

"I read your message. I don't know what I did to you, but you didn't have to say that...that shit to me! You know what? I'm glad you're leaving. I have to be with someone else anyways. I really liked you Catori. But now I see you're nothing but a little Pocahontas bitch. Bye"

Tears streamed down my face. What was he talking about? What note? It had to be these people: The wolves. "No ties to outsiders" he had said. Did he know that I had a friendship, and possibly more, with Malachai? Now that was ruined, just like much of the rest of my life, and I didn't even have the guts to to call Maclachai. What would my excuse be? Obviously I shouldn't tell my secret. Werewolves shouldn't even exitst anyways. They are MYTHICAL- its not natural. But strangely, something was pulling me back to that room. I wanted to know more about what- or who- I was forced to become.

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