"Ugh," Jeff groaned, slipping down into his chair as he fielded yet another call a Russian father. Of course he wanted details of where Sasha was staying, or what the deal was while Jeff was at work, and Jeff was not telling him on so many levels. He wasn't really opposed if he accidentally found out and met Mrs. Vander's shot gun, but it had to be for Sasha's safety as well.
El was leaning against the door of his office then. "Sasha's dad again?" as if she even had to ask. The man promptly called the moment Jeff was due into the office every morning. Jeff rubbed his fingers against his eyes, not even answering.
"He's staying at the casino hotel, on the reservation," El informed, holding up some of her notes. "It's probably the only place ritzy enough for him," she added sourly. "Maybe he'll get a gambling addiction and leave us alone?"
"We can only hope," Jeff sighed. El had more or less tasked herself with keeping tabs on Abram and Annie, and Jeff wasn't going to tell her not to. It was good to know where he was while things were rolling. If something didn't go his way, they would know where to start looking.
El watched him carefully and then glanced at his desk. She frowned and stepped closer, and Jeff realized too late what she was looking at. Jeff lurched forward and shuffled all of his papers together to try and cover it up. "Does Micah know you're looking into that?" She asked.
"I'm not looking into anything for Micah," Jeff lied.
"Those were tribal enrollment documents," El pointed out. "I can think of all of one person that would be relevant too."
"It's for research purposes. The chief of police gave them to me is all. That's all," Jeff scrambled. "Besides, Micah has to want to do it."
"And what if he never wants to do it?" El put her hands on her hips. "You need to mind your own business there, Jeff, it's a touchy subject."
"I'm just trying to help—trying to help Micah," Jeff sighed. "He doesn't have a lot of people helping him."
"And I'm just saying, tribal affairs are sensitive and you shouldn't be sticking your nose there, unless Micah asks. It wouldn't be our jurisdiction, and it would be his personal business." El crossed her arms over her chest. "You'll just make him mad if you keep pushing it."
"Micah could have a good chance, though," Jeff muttered.
"Jeff," El warned.
"I'm just saying. He's got proof of adoption, and if he gets his birth father's name—"
"Jeffery!" El raised his voice.
"Jeez, fine, I'll leave it," Jeff groaned. He pulled the papers out and pushed them in her direction. "There, happy?"
El snatched up the papers and carried them out with her. Jeff made a face at her behind her back, and she still flipped him off without looking. She may have taken the papers, but Jeff still remembered most of what was needed. He would wait until Micah asked because she was right—it wasn't his business until Micah wanted to look into it.
Micah dropped down into the bench outside of the court room. Jeff stood stiffly by him, glaring at a few curious onlookers. "It wasn't bad," Jeff tried to console him. "She seems nice."
Micah didn't even know what a guardian ad litem was. Just a fancy title for the woman that would be acting in the best interest of Sasha.
Her name was Liz, and while the name sounded nice enough, she had yet to smile at any of them. She was allowed to see or hear whatever she wanted to—she could show up at any time and stay for as long as she wanted to see what Micah was doing.

Our Little Nowhere [mxm]
RomanceMicah has not had an easy life. Being raised by adoptive parents and having a criminal record are bad enough in a small town that talks, but Sheriff Jeff Rolland also keeps a close eye on him. As Micah's life gets complicated in a custody battle, it...