And so it Begins

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Jeff strolled into the police station, happily munching down on the breakfast burrito Sasha had made that morning. He certainly wasn't going to complain if Sasha was going to stick around; especially if he kept making breakfast burritos out of bare nothing while still making them taste amazing.

He had his mouth stuffed full when El approached him—she was petite but intimidating as she had her hands on her hips. She sighed and gave him an admonishing look. "Did your mother teach you to chew your food?" she chastised.

"Shu'p," Jeff muttered, chewing and swallowing while chasing it with coffee.

"You have someone waiting in your office," El informed secondly, before Jeff got too much closer.

"Who?" Jeff crumpled the foil from the burrito and made it with a dunk into a trash can.

"The man you had me send to Nargiles," She informed, rocking her body forward. "That kid's dad, isn't it?"

Jeff hissed under his breath and took another long gulp of coffee. He knew the man had to come around sooner or later, and it was not a confrontation he was looking forward to. He was on the same page as Micah—he wanted to beat the man. Alas, he couldn't. "Yeah, it is. This isn't going to be pretty, maybe you should go get me some breakfast?"

"You just finished eating," El huffed. "And don't send me away, I'm not stupid. This is a little personal, isn't it?"

"Of course it is. We don't get these kinds of people around here; it's one thing to have a record, but as soon as a kid is involved..." Jeff removed his hat and combed through his hair with his fingers. "That kid is a sweetheart, El. And he makes amazing food. But he's scared of this guy."

El nodded sympathetically. "So the more we have against him, the better."

"I can't provoke him, not in an obvious way, clearly. But if he's got any sort of temper and he even so much as tries to flick me, I've got him down for assault on an officer," Jeff decided.

"And so you need a witness," El puffed up her chest proudly. "I'm here."

Jeff chuckled. "I feel a load safer."

El socked him in the arm—it lacked force, but her hand was bony and always managed to hit just the right spot to hurt. Jeff rubbed his arm and shot her a glare. "Just kidding with you, jeez, calm it sister."

"I am calm," El snorted. "You've seen me when I've had coffee. Now, I don't think he's going to wait much longer, I told him you roll in about this time."

Jeff nodded and went for his office. He left his door open; it was private enough inside, and if things got out of hand, it would make a quicker entrance for El. She situated herself at her desk, but around the other side so she could watch into the office and stare them down in wait.

Jeff shook the man's hand, though it killed him to do so. It was probably best to play naïve. "Mornin', sir. I'm Sheriff Rolland. What can I do for you?"

"We didn't properly meet the other day. I'm Abram Christov. I do think you've met my lawyer," he gestured behind him to Annie, standing silently in the corner. "We were hoping to talk about the custody situation. I've been informed that as his current guardian, you have to give me permission to see Sasha."

He was the picture of nice and money; he was handsome with Sasha's same light brown hair and green eyes, wore a nice suit, and even had a warm smile. It was making all of Jeff's warning flags go off as well; of course no one suspected men like this that clearly got their way through looks and money.

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