Chapter 17: Alcoholic Beverages and Nightmares

Comenzar desde el principio

We arrived at the club and there was a long line of people waiting outside.

The valet parked the car and we approached the burly bouncer guarding the door.

“Oliver Royce, Ava Baron.” Oliver declared coolly, pointing to himself and then to me.

The bouncer didn’t even check his clipboard. He just raised the velvet rope and we were let inside.


The blaring music was on the verge of damaging my hearing permanently. Luckily, we found Todd and Hanna at the second floor of the club in a VIP booth which was a bit more quiet. Just a bit.


When we sat down, Todd and Hanna immediately handed us shots.

“Here! For the 2014 prom king and queen of Blake High class of 2003!”

We downed our shots at the same time and my face crumpled into an ugly mess. UGH I’m pretty sure that shot burned my throat.


“You okay?” Oliver chuckled at the sight of my disgruntled face.

“I’m fine. Why do people drink this stuff?! It’s horrible!” I cried out.


“It’s all about the company, my love.” He replied as we received another round of mystery beverages.


We continued to drink throat burning shots before we finally ventured out into the dancefloor.

I stole a glance at my brother and Hanna. They were having the time of their lives with each other, dancing, drinking and laughing like a bunch of kids.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually end up getting married or something. It would be a highly dysfunctional family, but who cares anyway. Who knew the reunion could bring them together too?


Oliver and I started dancing and as he danced behind me, his hands were resting on my waist, keeping me close to him as we moved to the heart pumping music. I raised my arms into the air, following the beat of the music. My hands touched his hair lightly and I slowly slid them down to his neck.

Maybe it was the liquor or the music or the fact that we were pressed so close to each other that was causing me to have vivid flashbacks of prom night.


My thoughts were abruptly disturbed when all of a sudden, I was pushed forward and I almost crashed into a passing waitress.

“What the hell?!” I exclaimed as I regained my balance.

I turned around to see Oliver’s dark, almost angry, expression.


A blonde woman dressed in a red halter dress with her breasts almost spilling out had pushed me out of the way to get to Oliver. Her hands were all over him and I felt my hands ball up into fists and my face reddening because of anger.

I looked at Oliver to see how he would react to the situation.

He untangled her hands from his neck walked around her, making his way to me, leaving the hooker look alike dumbfounded.

He placed his arm around me and used his free hand to cup my cheek. I glanced to the side where the woman seemed to have stopped dancing. She was staring at us with wide, angry eyes. All of a sudden, I feel Oliver’s soft lips crash into mine, rendering my knees useless. As I was about to gracefully lose my balance in front of about a hundred or so people, he tightened his grip around me and deepened the kiss.

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