The wild girl

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A long Scream Ripped through the air making the small group stop. "What was that a group getting attacked?!" One of my squad mates said. "Eren come with me we'll check it out," Levi commanded and reined his horse towards the noise. I followed quickly on my horse. The screams had died away and horrible silence settled in the forest.

Like a blanket over a shivering child.

We found something quickly a brown lump and red liquid surrounding it. I thought it was a dead stag at first, but what had the scream came from? We got closer hopping off our horses and inching closer. I gasped as I saw it was girl her face buried in a mess of dark brown hair. Levi raised his brow "a girl, not a soldier either."

He said and inspected her "she looks dead to me," he sighed and nudged her with his foot. I frowned "let me check," I said and felt for her pulse. A small beat pulsed under my fingertips. "Captain Levi she's alive!" I yell at him and start looking over her and at her wounds. "Load her onto the horse then, brat," he snapped and quickly got back on his horse.

I set her on the horse just above the stirrup and then hopped on. Then I slid her onto my lap she wouldn't fall off. "I'll get the squad you bring the girl too Hanji she'll patch her up," he said and trotted off on his horse. "But captain-" I yelled "that was an order brat!" He snapped and rode off with out another word. "Hiya!" I yell and grabbed the reins willing it to run, the horse followed my order and we were off in a instance. I found hanji quickly in the left flank of our formation.

"Hanji! Hanji!" I yelled and trotted up next to her horse. "What do you have there eren!" She said in her normal tone "We found this girl out lying out here! She's badly wounded she need-" Hanji cut me off. "Quickly set her down... SUPPLIES!" She yelled over her shoulder as I set her gently on the ground. "You should get back to Levi and the squad.. he still has to watch you," she said as she bandaged the girls head.

A soldier came up beside her and handed her a crate full off medical looking items. It reminded me of my father, that horrible man. "She has broken bones.. fractured skull.. hmmm I'll do what I can, but not a lot until we get back to HQ." Hanji said quickly. It was odd seeing her so... serious? I left quickly and thought how that girl had been out here? Maybe after the fall of wall Maria she took refuge in the forest, but how would she have survived for so long!

--------------- 2 weeks later--------------


I felt something warm and runny trickle down my throat surprisingly it felt good until I started coughing it up onto the ground. I opened my eyes wearily and stared at a outlined figure. "Aw your awake," The figure laughed. Finally my eyes adjusted and a girl with brown hair and glasses appeared smiling. "I-" My voice was that of a weak old woman, unlike how it used to be loud and wild. "What's your name," The Brown haired girl asked calmly as if speaking to a child. "Ai-I-ideen..." I mumbled trying to recall what happened and where I was. (Name pronounced eye-dean) "Well Aideen, I'm Hanji!' She said giddily and hopped up "I get you some real food and some water!' She started rushing out the door. I pondered the thought of that what would happen if I asked her a question. I guess I'd have to try "Ha-' I was too late she had already left.

I lay there for some time enjoying the warmth and comfort of a soft bed and warm sheets. I buried my head into the warm pillow and relaxed. Something I'd never been able to really do living out with the titans. I wondered how Hanji had sanctity in this world full of monsters out to kill you. That got me thinking where was I? Is my family here? I sighed and swung my legs over the bed. Sending sparks of pain shooting through me a all to familiar memory sparking in my head.

I'd fallen from that tree and I..I thought I was dead.

I jumped out of the bed a little bit of joy sparking in my heart "I'm alive," I whispered and stood there ignoring the pain throbbing through my body. "I'm utterly and totally alive!" I tried yelling, but only to get a dry and hoarse voice unlike my own. My legs trembled underneath me, telling me to lay back down. Which I obeyed. As I sat the door creaked open and a boy with blondish hair on the top of his head and the side shaved, but what caught my attention was the tray he carried.

He came in and set it down beside me bringing up a chair next to my bed. "Eat," he said and stared at me. I titled my head to the side in confusion, why was the boy staying? "Don't look at me like that!" He hissed and looked away his face turning a subtle pink. I giggled and chugged down the water set out for me then looked back at him. "Aideen," I said and smiled, he looked back at me "what?" he said a bit flustered. "My name, it's Aideen," I replied and dug into the small loaf on my tray. "M-my names Jean," He replied and looked away "just eat then we'll go." I furrowed my brow and wondered why I have to leave? I sighed and ate the rest of my food feeling better.

Jean didn't say anything else though his cheeks were still a light shade of pink. When I stood my legs felt better than before and I walked in a little circle. "What are you doing," He asked as he stood by the door. "Testing my legs," I replied as we started out the door. The place was huge as we worked our way through the halls. I used Jean as a crutch from time to time like right now as my legs still hadn't got used to walking. "How long have I been out, 3 days?" I asked glumly hoping I can go back to my home soon.

He didn't reply.

As we walked some other people passed in the same type clothes as Jean was wearing. It was a mystery to where I was since I'd never seen a place like this. We passed by a room full of people bustling around the smell of food filling my nose. I was still hungry, but I had gone weeks without food so I could manage. I tried to savor the smell, but Jean Pushed me quickly by. "Where am I?" I questioned, but he didn't reply. I was starting to not like Jean he didn't answer my questions and when he did he barely says one word!

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